Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hodor's Destiny and Time Paradox - GOT

Hi dear GOT fans, only a few days to the new season broadcast! And, while we wait for the big day, let's discuss about one of the most remarkable moments of the last season: Hodor's death, a very emotional and intriguing scene that left us with a time paradox: Brandon, who wasn't even born during Hodor's childhood, was able to influence the events of this period.............events that were responsible for Hodor becoming the Hodor from the future, the giant with mental problems that we know...............

In other words, an event from the past (young Hodor getting into a trance and having his mind compromised forever) depends on an event from the future (Brandon returning to the past and using his "warg powers" in the boy)..............how is this possible?

A theory that is very used to explain this paradox (which is so common in stories involving time traveling) is that the past, the present and the future aren't connected in an straight and one-dimensional line.............therefore, the events don't necessarily obey the temporal chronological sequence that we know..........

So, if you are sitting in front of your computer or of your cellphone, reading this post, you can get into a trance at anytime because of someone from the future that came by to make a visit and, for some reason, decided to use his "warg powers" in you and messed up with your mind.........and, the worst of all, is that this fellow already new you in the future as someone with mental problems, but didn't know why you was like that........and, now, while the son of a ***** watches you agonize, he realizes that it is all his fault!

Kind of complicated to accept that something like that could actually happen, isn't it? At least I can't imagine this happening in real life (unless science proves otherwise someday), that's why I prefer another theory to explain the time paradox: The Theory of the Parallel Realities, or, as I affectionately like to call it, Theory of Times.

As the name already indicates, the theory defends that there is more than one reality and, in each of them, the story can be different...........let's try to apply this theory to the events involving Hodor:

1st TIME (or first parallel reality): Hodor grows up like a normal person, without suffering the trance that messed up his mind. That's because Brandon wasn't born yet, so, he couldn't exist in the future and go back to the past so as to use the "warg powers" in the boy........ 

Anyway, Hodor became a normal adult, who could speak normally (so, he didn't have the nickname of Hodor, he was called by his real name) and everything else. We can't know for sure what happened in the first TIME, but it's possible that the giant had a similiar life to the one that we knows: he kept living in Winterfell, working for the Stark family, and saw Brandon grow up, become paraplegic..........and, when they ran away from Winterfell, Hodor went with them, since he wanted to help the boy and also because it was risky to continue living there.........

And the next part of the story happens in a way more or less similar to the one that we know........the most important things are that they arrive at the Three-Eyed Raven cave, Brandon develops his powers of time traveling and eventually plays dumb by trying to go to the past alone and ends up meeting the White Walkers............

And then, what happens?! Of course we can't know exactly what happened, but let's imagine something that could have actually happened: when the Three-Eyed Raven advises the others that the cave is going to be attacked, Hodor gets desperate and runs off alone in order to save himself (after all, it would be too risky to try to escape with everyone, especially because he would have to carry Brandon).

Realizing that they wouldn't be able to escape without the giant's help, Brandon tries to use the "warg powers" in Hodor in order to control him and make him get back to the cave, but he fails it, since it is very difficult to use the powers in human beings, especially humans that have complete mental capacity. Then, Meera and Brandons gets desperate and don't know what else to do..........

Seeing that, the Three-Eyed Raven has an idea: he takes Brandon to the past, during Hodor's childhood, and says to control him from there, since it's much easier to control a child's mind. So, Brandon controls adult Hodor through the child Hodor from the past, what makes the adult Hodor returns to the cave, which was already being attacked by the White Walkers, and help their friends to escape...........

And, after their friends run off, Hodor, controlled by Brandon, keeps holding the door with all his strength............which makes the psychic connection with child Hodor gets incredibly strong and, consequently, the boy gets into trance and has his mind messed up..........

2nd TIME (or second parallel reality): In the second TIME, the story happens the exact same way that's showed in the series: Hodor is the giant we know, with mental problems and only being able to say "Hodor"; he grows up and continues to work for the Stark family; he runs off with Brandon (and the others) from Winterfell and they end up in the Three-Eyed Raven cave, where Brandon develops his powers of time traveling and eventually provokes the White Walkers attack............

And then you ask me: why does the Three-Eyed Raven, even though being aware of the imminent attack, take Brandon to Hodor's childhood time? I mean, the adult Hodor's mind was already controllable in this second reality, so there was no need to go to the past in order to control his mind from there..........

Well, maybe the Three-Eyed Raven had some visions of the first reality (or first TIME) and saw Brandon controlling Hodor's mind from the past for some reason...............even though he couldn't understand why, he fears the consequences of changing the story and decides to make things the same way as shown in the visions: he takes Brandon to the past, makes him control Hodor's mind from there and, so, the boy gets in trance and has his mind messed up............

And the story keeps repeating in the other TIMES (or parallel realities).........

That's it guys, I hope you liked the theory. It's just a supposition that I created to show that it's possible to solve the time paradox in a different way, wihtout that scientific and complicated discourse that barely anyone understands and that's difficult to believe that it could actually happens in real life............

And what is your solution to solve this paradox?! Say it in the comments below! 

GOT Kisses,


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