Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Sansa's false testimony / Theon's fight / Sam and Dany - GOT

How the Stark siblings planned to set a trap to Littlefinger? And will Sansa's false testimony cause any implications to the relationship with the Lords of the Vale? Why Harrag kicked Theon between the legs? Didn't he know about the castration? And how will Sam deal with the fact that Daenerys killed his father and brother? Let's discuss about these questions:

How the Stark siblings planned to set a trap to Littlefinger?

How did they plan to do that? Was Arya and Sansa pretending to argue all along? And Brandon was only pretending to do nothing about it?

Well, I think that Arya was already suspecting that Littlefinger was up to something, so she probably talked to Bran and the latter told her that he was planning to put one sister against the other.

And then Arya realized that she should play Littlefinger's game in order to defeat him........so, she pretends to be against Sansa, questioning her sister about her loyalty to Jon and threatening to expose her letter defending Joffrey.........

Meanwhile, Sansa doesn't understand what is happening, but she starts to suspect Littlefinger's plan when he tells her to use Brienne to deal with Arya.........Sansa probably realized that Littefinger was planning to make Brienne and Arya fight, and Brienne would probably die and, consequently, Sansa would lose her protector and be even more vulnerable to Littlefinger........

So, she decided that the best thing to do was to deal with her sister alone and not involve Brienne, that's why she sent her protector away when the opportunity came (the invitation to go to King's Landing).

And then, when Sansa finds the faces in Arya's room and confronts her about them, Arya reveals that she has become a Faceless Man and pretends to threaten her sister with the dagger.........but then she gives it to Sansa, and it's in that moment that Sansa understands that Arya is only pretending to act like a freak.


After that, Sansa probably talked with her siblings in secret and Bran revealed everything to her...........and then they planned how they were going to expose and kill Littlefinger.......

I think it totally makes sense, doesn't it? 

What about Sansa's false testimony to the Lords of the Vale?

One of the main reasons why the Knights of the Vale didn't defend Littefinger during his trial was because of the revelation that he was the one that killed Lysa Arryn..........however, back in season 4, when Littlefinger shoved Lysa through the Moon Door, Sansa (who was there and saw everything) gave a false testimony to the Lords of the Vale, saying that Lysa was so jealous of Littlefinger that she went crazy and committed suicide (by throwing herself through the Moon Door) for believing that he didn't love her anymore.

So, is Sansa's lie going to cause any implications to the relationship with the Lords of the Vale? Well, since the next season will be very short and full of important things to happen in only a few episodes, I am pretty sure that these small details will be completely ignored..........

Why Harrag kicked Theon between the legs? Didn't he know about the castration?

I didn't understand why Harrag kicked Theon down there........I mean, didn't he know about the castration? It seems like everyone in Iron Islands (or, at least, the closest ones to Yara's family) knew about what happened to Theon..........so why Harrag didn't seem to know about it?

It's possible that he forgot about it for a moment and kicked down there for pure instinct........but he should have remembered about the castration after the first failed attempt to hurt Theon and, consequently, should have stopped kicking him there since it wouldn't make any affect.........but he kept doing it over and over again, and he even gives a surprising look, like if he didn't know why it wasn't working......... 

Maybe Harrag knew about Theon's castration and only kicked him there in order to psychologically disturb him? Well, it's hard to believe that anyone would think about psychology during a physical fight......besides, that theory can't explain the shocking look on Harrag's face for not being able to hurt Theon by kicking down there.......

Anyway, apart from that confusion, I liked the scene a lot. Theon is finally accepting himself.........he even washed his face in the sea, which was clearly symbolic, especially because ironborns strongly believe that people can be reborn from the sea, that's why they use a drowning ceremony to anoint their Kings.

It's like Theon was "reborn": he is finally letting go of Reek in order to become Theon Greyjoy again.........it was so beautiful. 

"What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."

How do you think Sam will deal with the fact that Daenerys killed his father and brother?

As we can presume, Sam still doesn't know about his father and brother's deaths, since he didn't express any reaction when Bran told about Jon being on his way to Winterfell with Daenerys. Well, I think Sam will find out about the deaths after they arrive............

And how is Sam going to react to this? I know he didn't have a good relationship with his dad, but even so I am sure he will be broken hearted to know that an important part of  his family was destroyed..........besides, Sam is finally beginning to follow his father's lessons. When Sam was leaving the Citadel and Gilly questioned about his decision of abandoning the dream of becoming a Maester, he said "I am tired of reading about achievements of better men", which was what his father used to tell him, since he despised Sam's dream, for Maesters never accomplish brilliant things, only read about them.

So, how is Sam going to deal with the fact that his best friend's lover destroyed an important part of his family? I think he won't accept it so well at first, but he will try to deal with it........after all, the Great War is coming and there's no time for personal conflicts........

And what will happen after the Great War is over? Well, presuming that Sam and Dany remain alive after the war, I think that Sam will end up accepting his father and brother's deaths and won't create conflicts about this. He will just embrace his happy ending by returning home and taking charge of the place, after all, he is the future of House Tarly..........

And what do you think about all of this? Let your comment below!

GOT Kisses,


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