Friday, September 1, 2017

The fall of the Wall: Doubts and Theories - GOT


Was the Ice Dragon really spitting blue fire or was it something else? How can it spit fire without killing itself? Would the army of the dead be able to destroy the Wall without a dragon? Are Tormund and Beric still alive? And where is Gendry? Let's discuss about these questions:

What was the Ice Dragon spitting?

Everybody was anxious to find out whether the dragon would spit fire or ice..........well, it seems that it's a blue fire.......but fire kills zombies, so how didn't it kill the zombie dragon? I mean, the fire passes through its body before being spit, so it should burn and kill the creature...........

Maybe it's because the dragon isn't a zombie, but a White Walker? We actually have reasons to suspect that because the Night King touched the dragon instead of only raising it at a distance........maybe the dragon wasn't dead yet when it was transformed, that's why it was turned into a White Walker and, so, it can't be killed with fire.

Or maybe the dragon's fire composition was somehow "changed" and it's a different type of magical fire, which doesn't kill zombies, only living people.........

Why was the dragon's body almost intact?

It bothered me that the Ice Dragon was almost intact, with only a few holes in the wings.......I mean, I was hoping to see a complete disfigured dragon, with bones and dead flesh appearing.......

After all, when Viserion was hit by the Night King's spear, it disfigured a great part of its body, and it should remain like that after it was transformed..........but I understand that it would propably be very complicated to create a disfigured CGI dragon.......

Why didn't the Night King need to say anything to the Ice Dragon?

Why didn't the Night King need to say anything to the dragon in order to make it spit blue fire? I mean, Dany had to train her dragons to spit fire whenever she says "Dracarys" (which means "dragonfire" in High Valyrian), so why didn't the Night King have to say anything?

Because the Night King controls the ones that were transformed by him, and the same happens with the dragon: after he turned it into a zombie (or a White Walker, we can't be sure of what it has turned into), he gained control of it, and he doesn't need to say anything, since he already controls the dragon's mind.......

That's why I think that there will be a "mind fight" between Bran and the Night King: Bran will warg the Ice Dragon for a while, but the Night King will probably get back the control of it.........I think it would be very nice, don't you think?

If the Ice Dragon had never been created, how would the army of the dead destroy the Wall?

The army of the dead was becoming bigger and more powerful and they would soon find a way to destroy the Wall. They are able to build weapons, equipments and things like that.........of course it would be much more difficult to destroy the Wall without the dragon, the Night's Watch wouldn't be so powerless and would try to contain the invasion and destruction of the Wall..........

But since the army of the dead has become so big and has the winter working on their favor, they would probably be able to achieve that. With more difficulty, but they would..........

And then you might conclude: but if Jon Snow hadn't tried to unite the living by going on a stupid suicide mission, the Night King wouldn't have a dragon and it would be much more difficult to destroy the, Jon ended up helping the enemy........

Yeah, the stupid suicide mission definitely helped the enemy, but it also helped the living in a more indirect way: Daenerys realized the threat was true and allied with Jon to fight against the army of the dead.

So, even if Cersei doesn't help them, the suicide mission was important to gain Dany's support. Yeah, I know it looks like it wasn't worth it, but the truth is that even if the enemy had no dragon and took longer to pass through the Wall, they would be able to conquer Westeros easily if the living weren't united and prepared to battle with them.

I am not saying that I liked that stupid suicide plan of capturing a zombie only to convince Cersei and Dany about the threat, there are more intelligent ways of doing that.........the writers should have thought about something less stupid.......I am crazy to see how the Ice Dragon is going to be created in the books, I am pretty sure George Martin will write something far more better.

Did Tormund and Beric survided the attack to the Wall?

Well, the series clearly wanted to make some suspense about it, but I am almost sure that they indeed survived for several reasons:

- GOT always shows the death of important (or relatively important) characters, and if they had actually died, the series wouldn't have wasted a dramatic death scene only to make some crappy suspense;

 - when GOT makes suspense concerning whether a character has survived or not, it's because he/she is still alive, as what it happened with Sandor Clegane when he was nearly killed by Brienne;

- Beric wouldn't have been resurrected so many times only to have a stupid final death;

- if they were supposed to die in this season, it would make much more sense if they had died in the suicide mission of capturing a zombie.

But how come they didn't die if everything was falling down?

Well, it was pretty clear that only a small (or, better saying, a relatively small) part of the Wall fell down and, even though the scenes were shown very quickly, we can presume that Tormund and Beric ran towards the side of the Wall that was still intact, which was a very smart thing to do, since it wouldn't have time to run  down the stairs until reach the floor (that's what most of the men were trying to do and end up dying).

And where is Gendry? Was he in the Wall during the Ice Dragon attack?

I still don't understand why Gendry didn't appear in this episode. I thought he would go to King's Landing with Jon Snow, Sor Davos and the others.........but he didn't appear in those scenes, nor in the later scenes in Dragonstone, where they were discussing about how they would travel to the North. 

So, I first presumed that Gendry stayed in the Wall, since the last time he appeared (if I am not mistaken) was when he arrived in the Wall, asking to send a message for Daenerys to rescue Jon Snow and the others from the army of the dead.

However, Gendry didn't appear in the scenes of the Wall either, what confused the hell out of me.........where is he? Did he actually went to King's Landing (and later to Dragonstone) with Jon Snow and the others, but stayed in the ship all the time? Or was he in the Wall and died during the Ice Dragon attack? 

I have heard some people saying that he died during the fall of the Wall, but the series didn't bother to show because he wasn't important.............and of course this is a complete bullshit! Gendry is a relatively important character (and I believe he is going to be a lot more important than that) and there's no chance that he would die in a completely "hidden" way.........

Besides, he didn't return to the series after so many seasons only to have a stupid and careless death........I believe he has returned to the show because he is going to play an important role in the near future. I even believe that he is going to be the one sitting in the Iron Throne at the end, since it would be such a boring and predictable ending if Jon Snow did it.........

So, what probably happened to Gendry?

I believe that he stayed in the Wall instead of going to the South with the others. Maybe Sor Davos didn't want to risk the boy's life going to King's Landing (after all, something could go wrong and end up in blood.........besides, someone could figure out that the boy is Robert Baratheon's bastard and tell Cersei), so he convinced Gendry to stay in there.

And then, when Jon Snow and his team went back to the North, Sor Davos probably sent Gendry a message, telling him to go to Winterfell so as to meet them there........that's why the boy wasn't in the Wall during the Ice Dragon attack scenes, it's because he had already left the place and was riding to Winterfell. 

I think it's a pretty nice theory, don't you think?! Let's wait to see if it's right.........

Ice Kisses,


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