Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Arya's Destiny - GOT

Such a beautiful scene, isn't it? Unfortunately almost everyone (including me) couldn't understand it at first. After I read about it, I watched the scene again and it was even more emotional.........

In case you still don't know about it, the line "That's not you" is a callback to the first season, when her father, Ned Stark, explained the kind of life she could live as the lady of a castle, marrying a lord, but Arya replied by saying "No, that's not me". In the same season, Nymeria bit Joffrey to defend Arya, and Cersei was going to kill her for it. So, Arya forced her to run away in order to save her life (click HERE to see the complete post). 

Time passed and Nymeria created her own path, learned how to be wild, found a new family...........she couldn't simply abandon her new life and be someone's pet again. That wouldn't be her............Arya understood it, even though she was heart broken. 

It's such a beautiful message, isn't it? But something doesn't seem to fit: Nymeria is wild and free, but she didn't end up alone, she found new friends and built a family (some of those wolves were probably her cubs)............what if this is a foreshadow for Arya's future? Maybe she will end up just like her wolf, wild and free, but not alone.  

I do hope things turn out to be this way, after all, you can be a powerful and independent woman and still get married and build a family =)

Stark Kisses,


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