Thursday, July 13, 2017

Can Brandon change the past? - GOT

Let's make the waiting for the new season a little more fun by discussing one of the most intriguing revelations in GOT: Brandon is the one responsible for messing up with Hodor's mind and turning him into the mental problem giant that we know...........In other words, Brandon has powers to influence the past!

It was already possible to foresee that when, in one of his visits to the past, he calls his father and the latter seems to listen. The Three-Eyed Raven, though, says that the "past is already written", "the ink is already dry"..........

But, having in mind the events with Hodor, could we say that the Three-Eyed Raven made a mistake? Well, it's possible, but it's more likely that he was actually telling the truth. After all, when we analyze the situation involving Hodor, we conclude that Brandon didn't change anything from the past: Hodor had to go through that in order to be the mental problem giant that we know.

And I say more: the Three-Eyed Raven probably knew that Brandon was responsible for Hodor being the way he is. Isn't it strange that he takes the boy for a visit to the past when there was an imminent White Walker attack? Do you really think it was a careless decision? I doubt it.

He did what he did because he already knew that things should happen that way. He knew that he was going to die and that the place would be destroyed (that's why he kept repeating "the time has come"). He knew that Brandon should be in the past so as to control Hodor from there and, so, let the story happen the way it was supposed to. Including, when Meera shouted "We need Hodor now!", Brandon hesitated a little, probably thinking "should I control him from the past?".........

But he attended his friend's request when the Three-Eyed Raven told him to do it.

But why did they do that to Hodor?

The Three-Eyed Raven didn't do that because he wanted to. He only knew that things should happen that way and let them to. After all, we can't play with destiny, we can't try to change the story........

Anyway, we can conclude that Brandon can influence the past events - reminding that he is invisible to people in the past, unless he makes effort to be noticed -, but only in a way that leads to results that already exist in the present. 

So, is it possible that Brandon influenced other events in the series? Totally! And we can even create many other theories from that:

- Brandon could have played a role in the sequence of events that led to Ned Stark's execution;

- he could be responsible to the King Aerys Targaryen's madness, since it's possible that Brandon made him crazy by trying to warn him about the White Walkers;

- he could have founded House Stark and built the Wall many years ago, reminding that the legendary founder of the Stark House and builder of the Wall was supposedly called "Bran The Builder", so, it's possible that he was actually Brandon Stark.

Anyway, Brandon could have influenced everything we have seen in the series so far!

But then you ask me: how come someone from the future can influence something from the past? I mean, Brandon wasn't born during Hodor's childhood time, so how could he influence events from that period? Well, folks, that's the famous and polemic TIME PARADOX, which can be found in almost every story involving time traveling. Lucky for you, I have already made a post concerning the matter, just CLICK HERE and check it out.

GOT Kisses,


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