Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to win Cersei's heart - GOT


Why give a girl a diamond ring if you can capture her enemies for her instead, right?! kkkkk I must say, I hate Euron Greyjoy, but he definitely knows how to make Cersei happy. It's incredible how the guy appears in the series out of nowhere, kills the King Balon Greyjoy and ends up being a huge problem for Daenery's plan of conquering Westeros. I am not so fond of Daenerys and I don't even want her to have a happy ending, but I want her to be queen for a while. I think it will be very interesting to see her turning into a "Mad Queen", just as her father did. 

And, of course, I am tired of Lannisters being in power, it's about time for their reign to end. Besides, I am so sorry for Yara and Theon Greyjoy, I do like them. The only good thing I see in all of this is that Ellaria Sand is finally going to pay for killing Myrcella, the only child of Cersei that I have ever liked.  

Anyway, I do hope that Ellaria Sand suffers a lot, but I wish that Yara either escapes this alive (which probably won't happen) or have a quick and not so painful death. And what to say about Tyene Sand? Well, I don't like her, but I don't hate her either. I think it would be very nice if she survived and ended up with Bronn...........remember that hot dramatic scene with them in Dorne?

Finally, what about Euron Greyjoy? What will probably happen to him? Well, we all know that despised characters like him end up having a horrible death. I do hope Cersei kills him when he is no longer necessary. 

GOT Kisses,


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