Friday, July 28, 2017

Is there a traitor?! - GOT

Am I the only one that thinks there is a traitor in Daenery's "team"? It's so strange that Euron Greyjoy surprisingly attacked his nephews' fleet that way, isn't it? I think there's a traitor that gave Euron information about Daenery's plan of conquering Westeros. And, of course, the betrayer knew about the plan because he had probably heard it. Now, let's take a look at the scene where they are discussing the plan:

We can't see very well here, but we already know that Tyrion, Daenerys, Yara Greyjoy, Ellaria Sand and Olenna Tyrell are there, right?

Here we can see that Theon Greyjoy is behind his sister and that Varys and Grey Worm are beside Olenna Tyrell.

There is also someone beside Tyrion..........

That is Missandei, Daenery's interpreter........

So, we can conclude that, from all people that listened to the plan, Varys and Olenna are the most likely traitors. However, it doesn't seem to have a reason why Olenna would want to help Cersei. Besides, she seems to be eager to help Daenerys, she even advised her not to listen to her Hand, which does seem to be a good advice after what happened to Yara and Theon's fleet......

It doesn't seem to have a reason why Varys would betray Daenerys either, especially after she threatened him........but we never know, right? Maybe Varys realized that Dany is becoming more and more similar to her father, the Mad King, and changed his mind about her being the best choice for Westeros. Or maybe Varys was too angry with Dany for threatening him and wanted to destroy her, but that is such a stupid reason to betray her now.......

Or maybe Varys never wanted Dany to be queen. It's possible that he has been conspiring behind her back since the beginning.......but why? What does he have in mind? Is it possible that he wants someone else to be king? Jon Snow, perhaps? Well, it's possible, but I can't see how destroying Daenerys now will help his conspiring plan.......

And, of course, there is always the chance that the traitor is no one in the scene. Maybe someone else was hidden in there, secretly listening to the plan. Maybe Melisandre (reminding that she had already arrived there at the time they were discussing the plan) listened to the plan and betrayed Daenerys for some reason.........maybe she wants Jon Snow to be king and weakening Dany's forces will somehow help her secret plan succeed........

Anyway, everything is so confusing. All we can do is wait for answers........

Conspiring Kisses,


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