Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Red Frey Party - GOT

What can we say about this scene? It was absolutely brilliant, there was no better way to start the new season. I confess that, at the beginning, I thought it would be a boring scene about a Frey party that happened in the past, when Walder Frey was still alive. But I soon realized that Arya was able to become anyone (or, better saying, no one) and then I just couldn't stop smiling, already imagining how exciting that revenge scene would be........and it was even better than I thought! 

It's so unbelievable how powerful Arya became, she could even revenge the Red Wedding and destroy an entire House completely alone! I am so excited to see her next killings, sometimes I feel like I am watching Dexter: a wise and good-hearted psychopath making justice with her own hands and entirely alone! I am loving it!

However, the next scene with Arya kind of disappointed me. It was completely unnecessary and nonsense, after all, who would accept a "dinner invitation" in the middle of nowhere with a group of men you never met before? It was pretty clear that the scene was made just because of Ed Sheeran........don't understand me wrong, I love him, but I hate to see famous people appearing in series, it completely takes me out of the story, especially when the scene is clearly just made for that =(

The rest of the episode was a little boring as well, but we can overlook that, since it's only the beginning of the season.

GOT Kisses,


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