Saturday, July 15, 2017

Unforgettable Blind Fight - GOT

Just ONE day to the new season broadcast! What about enjoy the waiting by discussing one of the most agonizing moments in GOT? Of course I am talking about the fight between Arya and the bad tempered "no one" girl. I went crazy watching that endless chasing........but it was worth it, since the last seconds were absolutely incredible! As once I heard from a movie critic, "sometimes, the least a scene shows, the best it is" and that's exactly what happened in the fight between Arya and the "no one" blondie.

We didn't see how it actually happened, but this didn't make it any less brilliant. On the contrary, the mere suggestion of what happened, added to the tension of the seconds before the revelation of whose face was added to the Faceless Man "mask collection", were enough to turn it in one of the most unforgettable fights in the series.

Besides that, it was absolutely fantastic the way Arya defeated the blondie, using something that used to weaken her before (the blindness) to obtain advantage over her rival, who wasn't used to fight in the reminds me of that old saying: "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".

So, we must learn with Arya and start making ourselves stronger with the things that used to hurt or weaken us before. Yeah, GOT isn't just entertainment, it gives us important life lessons as well! One more motive to love this series!

GOT Kisses,


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