Monday, June 26, 2017

Creations of the Dark Side? - Star Wars

What if Anakin and Rey are creations of the dark side? Let's analyze this theory and see where it goes:

- Is Anakin a creation of the dark side?

Do you remember that conversation between Palpatine and Anakin in Episode III? Palpaltine tells a story about a dark sith lord called Darth Plagueis (click HERE to watch the scene):

"It's a Sith legend.........Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise. He could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


He became so powerful that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually he did. Unfortunately, he told his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep............Ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself".

At that time, Anakin was so worried about saving Padmé that he only focused on Darth Plagueis' power of cheating death..........but what about his power of creating life? Isn't it possible that Palpatine was implying that Anakin was created this way?

It's even possible that Darth Plagueis himself, with the help of Palpatine, created Anakin. We can't be certain of it because the book Darth Plagueis, which revealed that Palpatine was his apprentice, isn't considered official canon anymore. So, there are lots of doubts and discussions concerning the matter. Some people defend that Palpatine wasn't the apprentice because Darth Plagueis was a legend, so he probably died a very long time ago, when Palpatine wasn't even born. However, some others defend that there are official canons (such as the Star Wars Encyclopedia and the Tarkin novel) that confirm that Palpatine was indeed Darth Plagueis' apprentice........

Anyway, getting back to the theory, it's possibe that either Darth Plagueis himself or Palpatine (either because he was his apprentice, or because he adquired the knowlege in another way......maybe he was the apprentice of Darth Plagueis' apprentice........who knows, right?! hehe) created Anakin. 

And then you ask me: but how? The only thing Anakin's mother said concerning her pregnancy was that it came out of nowhere........Yeah, but it's possible that someone kidnaped her, made her unconscious and made a midichlorian conception in her while she was asleep. And then, after they were done with it, they left her in her house, probably in her bed, and, when she woke up, she couldn't remember barely anything........and even if she remembered something, she probably thought it had all been a dream. So, she continued to live like nothing had happened........and, when she found that she was pregnant, she just presumed that it came out of nowhere..........

That's completely possible, isn't it? And, when we think about it, this theory explains why Palpatine was so interest in turning Anakin to the dark side.......he knew how Anakin was created (either because his Master did it or he did it himself, like we explained) and, so, he knew his potential of becoming a powerful Dark Force user.

And it's even possible that Palpatine manipulated everything: he probably knew about Anakin's love for Padmé and made a plan to approach them. So, he planned the attack that killed her double, which created a concern for Padmé's security.........and who would protect her? Yeah, Obi-Wan and his apprentice......what a coincidence, isn't it?

Palpatine knew that Padmé would be the key to turn Anakin to the dark side and it's possible that Palpatine was responsible (maybe he had some dark power for that) for Anakin's dreams where Padmé died during childbirth.

- And what about Rey?

Something similar could have happened to Rey..............You're probably asking yourself: but who created Rey, since Palpatine and Darth Vader were already dead? Well, it's possible that someone else knew about the darth power of controlling life. In fact, we don't even know whether Darth Vader ever learned this power. It looks like Palpatine didn't trust Vader (after all, he didn't want to have the same destiny as Darth Plagueis) and was even planning on substituting him for Luke (as we see in Episode VI), so it's possible that he never taught Vader about the power that made him turn to the dark side to begin with (ironic, isn't it?).

Palpatine had plans he probably never told Vader, as we can deduce from the Aftermath books. He trusted Galli, a young guy, to take care of an important spot in Jakku. So, it's possible that there is something up with the planet, maybe there is a dark power source hidden somewhere. And it's possible that Palpatine taught Galli how to use the dark power (since he didn't seem to be a natural Force user, he probably used the dark power source in Jakku) to create life.........

So, it's possible that Galli or someone else (maybe Galli's apprentice, in case he was already dead at the time) created Rey in a similiar way as Anakin was created, but probably more violent: they kidnapped a woman, made a midicholirian conception in her and kept her in captive during the pregnancy and, when the baby was born, they killed the mother...........So, they raised Rey and started to train her when she was still very young........

But something probably went wrong. Maybe the rumor about a girl being trained in a mysterious spot in Jakku was spreading throughout the galaxy and people, especially dark users (like Snoke), were becoming interested in the story and started to search about it. Since Galli (or his apprentice) and whoever else worked with him weren't powerful fighters (after all, they weren't natural Force users, they only used the dark sources in Jakku to have some power), they knew that they would be killed if they were discovered.......

Since they didn't want Rey and the precious spot to be found, they decided that the best thing to do was to shut down their operations in the place, wipe off Rey's mind (with the dark power sources, of course), leave Jakku and abandon Rey there. They didn't want to kill her either because she could be necessary someday or because they wanted to make some money by selling her to Unkar Plutt (or maybe because of both reasons hehe).

But if her mind was wiped off, how did she remember about her "family"? Well, it's possible that they tried to erase all her memories, but, since she was very strong with the Force, they couldn't erase everything. I mean, they could lock her Force powers, but she still had lots of skills and could remember something about her "family"..........but her memories were very confused, as we can see in Rey's Survival Guide.

So, she doesn't remember very well how her life was before she was left with Unkar Plutt. She probably has some flashes of her past, but nothing very concrete..........she probably remembers vaguely that someone took care of her (the people she calls "family") and that they left her there...........she still had hope that they would come back because they probably said that they would (which isn't necessary a I said, she could be necessary for them someday).

- How Rey's powers were unlocked? 

Well, it's possible that Kylo Ren triggered her powers when he tryed to read her mind. Maybe the key to unlock her powers was the same used to lock them: a strong dark Force messing up with her head..............and that's exactly what Kylo Ren did to her when he tried to read her mind.

Of course her powers weren't released all at once. They began to come to her as she started to test them. Kylo Ren even said to the stormtroopers, right after Rey scaped, that "She is only beginning to test her powers, the longer it takes to find her, the more dangerous she becomes". This proves that Kylo Ren was suspecting that Rey was the girl. Snoke had probably told him about the rumor concerned a powerful girl that had been trained in a suspicious place in Jakku........

There are other proofs of that as well. In the scene where the guard tells Kylo Ren that a girl helped Finn to scape with the droid, he asks "What girl?", as if he was suspecting something. And when Kylo Ren tells Snoke that Rey is strong with the Force, Snoke says to bring her to him, like if he suspected that she was the girl. And, at the fight scene between Rey and Kylo Ren, he says "it is you" when she pulls the lightsaber, which is the moment when he realizes that she is indeed the girl.

The mentioned line was cut from the movie, but it's in the novel version of it.

That's it guys. I think it's a pretty nice and suitable theory, but I believe that the Reincarnation Theory fits the story much better...........and what do you think about it? Let your comment below =)

Star Wars Kisses,


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