Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Mummy - Review in 2 parts (with and without spoilers)

First Part: Review without spoilers

I was very excited to watch "The Mummy", but I was a little disappointed, I expected more from the movie. I mean, it wasn't entirely a disaster. The beginning was very nice, I loved that whole mystery environment, with fascinating archeological discoveries.............

Even the action scenes (which I am not very fond of) were very fun at first, but they became less and less exciting during the movie, and sometimes it felt like I was watching a zombie movie (I understant that it's similar to the mummy universe, but there are differences between them). That isn't the worst problem, though. 

The story got a little bit messy, there were lots of things badly explained, including the end, which was confusing and kind of ridiculous. Besides, they tried to force a romance between the protagonist and a blond woman there, but it wasn't very wouldn't be a huge problem if the end wasn't so related to that stupid relationship. 

Anyway, it wasn't all bad, but I expected so much more.........I bet there won't be a mummy movie as great as that one of 1999.........

That's it for you that haven't watched the movie yet. Come back here to check out the second part after you go to the movies............and, for the ones that have already watched it, just continue reading.

Second Part: Reflections concerning the movie (WITH SPOILERS!)

- "Contamination power"

The mummy was able to absorbs the life (or, better saying, the vital energy) of people in order to be more powerful, which is totally comprehensive and fits the mummy universe quite well. However, the victims didn't die completely (what should have happened), instead of they were somehow contaminated and became zombies that were controlled by the princess mummy. 

This "contamination power" doesn't fit the mummy universe very well. It fits better the zombie universe, where people usually turns into zombies because of some kind of infection........that makes sense. However, it isn't very logical that a mummy (which doesn't have any infectious disease) turns other people into some kind of zombie.

- Dr. Henry Jekyll and his mysterious disease

What was up with this guy? Why is he possessed every now and then? I understand that he works with "dark stuff" and, so, we can presume that he was probably contaminated or something like that........but, even so, it should be explained......

I am aware that he is a famous character from other stories, but I don't remember barely anything about him. And why is he in the movie anyway? Is this movie only a part of some kind of sequence envolving super heroes or, better saying, powerful people that are sometimes heroes and sometimes monsters? 
And I innocently thought that I was going to watch a genuine mummy movie, not some "super hero / monster stuff"...... 

- The tacky romance between Nick and Jenny

They tried to force a deep and true romance between Nick and Jenny, but it wasn't convincing at all........I mean, they barely knew each other and Nick didn't even seem to care about her, but suddenly he decides to sacrifice himself and become a monster only to resurrect her?

- If  Nick hadn't completed the ritual, what would have happened? 

I mean, if Nick had broken the red stone, what would have happened? Would the princess mummy be destroyed? Let's think for a second: if the stone had been destroyed, the pact with the god Seth would be broken and, so, the princess would probably be destroyed.......

But we can't be sure of that, since Dr. Jekyll said, at the last minutes of the movie, that "a monster must be created to destroy the other monster", which implies that there wasn't another way to destroy the princess mummy. 

- What happened to Nick? 

I mean, the ritual was accomplished in a very different way: he stabbed the dagger in himself, not the princess. So, what changes? Since he was the one that did it, has Seth possessed only part of his body? I mean, did Nick still have some control of it? And how does his power work? Is he powerful only when Seth controls him? 

Anyway, there are too many questions, few explanations and a lot of confusing and nonsense stuff going on.......and what do you think about it? Leave you comment below!

Mummy Kisses,


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