Friday, July 28, 2017

Is there a traitor?! - GOT

Am I the only one that thinks there is a traitor in Daenery's "team"? It's so strange that Euron Greyjoy surprisingly attacked his nephews' fleet that way, isn't it? I think there's a traitor that gave Euron information about Daenery's plan of conquering Westeros. And, of course, the betrayer knew about the plan because he had probably heard it. Now, let's take a look at the scene where they are discussing the plan:

We can't see very well here, but we already know that Tyrion, Daenerys, Yara Greyjoy, Ellaria Sand and Olenna Tyrell are there, right?

Here we can see that Theon Greyjoy is behind his sister and that Varys and Grey Worm are beside Olenna Tyrell.

There is also someone beside Tyrion..........

That is Missandei, Daenery's interpreter........

So, we can conclude that, from all people that listened to the plan, Varys and Olenna are the most likely traitors. However, it doesn't seem to have a reason why Olenna would want to help Cersei. Besides, she seems to be eager to help Daenerys, she even advised her not to listen to her Hand, which does seem to be a good advice after what happened to Yara and Theon's fleet......

It doesn't seem to have a reason why Varys would betray Daenerys either, especially after she threatened him........but we never know, right? Maybe Varys realized that Dany is becoming more and more similar to her father, the Mad King, and changed his mind about her being the best choice for Westeros. Or maybe Varys was too angry with Dany for threatening him and wanted to destroy her, but that is such a stupid reason to betray her now.......

Or maybe Varys never wanted Dany to be queen. It's possible that he has been conspiring behind her back since the beginning.......but why? What does he have in mind? Is it possible that he wants someone else to be king? Jon Snow, perhaps? Well, it's possible, but I can't see how destroying Daenerys now will help his conspiring plan.......

And, of course, there is always the chance that the traitor is no one in the scene. Maybe someone else was hidden in there, secretly listening to the plan. Maybe Melisandre (reminding that she had already arrived there at the time they were discussing the plan) listened to the plan and betrayed Daenerys for some reason.........maybe she wants Jon Snow to be king and weakening Dany's forces will somehow help her secret plan succeed........

Anyway, everything is so confusing. All we can do is wait for answers........

Conspiring Kisses,


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to win Cersei's heart - GOT


Why give a girl a diamond ring if you can capture her enemies for her instead, right?! kkkkk I must say, I hate Euron Greyjoy, but he definitely knows how to make Cersei happy. It's incredible how the guy appears in the series out of nowhere, kills the King Balon Greyjoy and ends up being a huge problem for Daenery's plan of conquering Westeros. I am not so fond of Daenerys and I don't even want her to have a happy ending, but I want her to be queen for a while. I think it will be very interesting to see her turning into a "Mad Queen", just as her father did. 

And, of course, I am tired of Lannisters being in power, it's about time for their reign to end. Besides, I am so sorry for Yara and Theon Greyjoy, I do like them. The only good thing I see in all of this is that Ellaria Sand is finally going to pay for killing Myrcella, the only child of Cersei that I have ever liked.  

Anyway, I do hope that Ellaria Sand suffers a lot, but I wish that Yara either escapes this alive (which probably won't happen) or have a quick and not so painful death. And what to say about Tyene Sand? Well, I don't like her, but I don't hate her either. I think it would be very nice if she survived and ended up with Bronn...........remember that hot dramatic scene with them in Dorne?

Finally, what about Euron Greyjoy? What will probably happen to him? Well, we all know that despised characters like him end up having a horrible death. I do hope Cersei kills him when he is no longer necessary. 

GOT Kisses,


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Arya's Destiny - GOT

Such a beautiful scene, isn't it? Unfortunately almost everyone (including me) couldn't understand it at first. After I read about it, I watched the scene again and it was even more emotional.........

In case you still don't know about it, the line "That's not you" is a callback to the first season, when her father, Ned Stark, explained the kind of life she could live as the lady of a castle, marrying a lord, but Arya replied by saying "No, that's not me". In the same season, Nymeria bit Joffrey to defend Arya, and Cersei was going to kill her for it. So, Arya forced her to run away in order to save her life (click HERE to see the complete post). 

Time passed and Nymeria created her own path, learned how to be wild, found a new family...........she couldn't simply abandon her new life and be someone's pet again. That wouldn't be her............Arya understood it, even though she was heart broken. 

It's such a beautiful message, isn't it? But something doesn't seem to fit: Nymeria is wild and free, but she didn't end up alone, she found new friends and built a family (some of those wolves were probably her cubs)............what if this is a foreshadow for Arya's future? Maybe she will end up just like her wolf, wild and free, but not alone.  

I do hope things turn out to be this way, after all, you can be a powerful and independent woman and still get married and build a family =)

Stark Kisses,


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Greyscale Cure Theory - GOT

What about that interesting theory concerning dragonglass being the cure for greyscale? In fact, I don't even consider it a theory, it's practically a spoiler..........of course this is going to be it! After all, Jorah has made contact with Sam who is going to study a lot about dragonglass, including its healing properties –  and we know perfectly that nothing happens in GOT without a reason. 

Besides, dragonglass stopped Benjen Stark from turning into a White Walker, which indicates that it might stop other diseases from spreading as well. Another strong evidence is that Princess Shireen Baratheon's greyscale was somehow contained, and she was raised in Dragonstone, the ancestral home of House Targaryen that holds a massive mountain of dragonglass.

Like I said, I am almost certain that this theory is going to turn out to be right, but I confess that I am kind of disappointed. I thought that the cure would be something more surprising. It looks like dragonglass is responsible for so many things creation of White Walkers and paradoxically the cure from turning into one, cure for greyscale and probably for other serious diseases that it's becoming too boring.

 Dragon Kisses,


Perfect Duo?! - GOT

What do you think about Jon Snow and Sansa governing Winterfell together? From what we have seen, it doesn't smell good. They didn't get along before and, as everything indicates, they aren't going to do it now. Jon is very good-hearted, he doesn't want to punish innocents because of other people's mistakes, even if it isn't the wisest political decision to make. Sansa, on the other hand, cares more about showing power and respect, even if it isn't the fairest decision. She even shows some admiration for Cersei and confesses that she learned a great deal with the Queen, which surprised Jon Snow. 

I understand both sides. After all, it doesn't matter how powerful you are, people will start rebelling against you if you make too many unfair decisions. However, you can't be too kind either, because you will end up losing respect and political support.

In other words, you must find the perfect balance between kindness and wisdom, and I think that Jon Snow will be able to achieve that if he starts listening to Sansa. The latter, though, must keep in mind that she can't question the King in front of everyone, which shows disrespect to his authority.

Anyway, I think they would make a great duo if they learned how to respect and listen to each other appropriately. But we know that things are never too simple in GOT..........

Stark Kisses,


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Red Frey Party - GOT

What can we say about this scene? It was absolutely brilliant, there was no better way to start the new season. I confess that, at the beginning, I thought it would be a boring scene about a Frey party that happened in the past, when Walder Frey was still alive. But I soon realized that Arya was able to become anyone (or, better saying, no one) and then I just couldn't stop smiling, already imagining how exciting that revenge scene would be........and it was even better than I thought! 

It's so unbelievable how powerful Arya became, she could even revenge the Red Wedding and destroy an entire House completely alone! I am so excited to see her next killings, sometimes I feel like I am watching Dexter: a wise and good-hearted psychopath making justice with her own hands and entirely alone! I am loving it!

However, the next scene with Arya kind of disappointed me. It was completely unnecessary and nonsense, after all, who would accept a "dinner invitation" in the middle of nowhere with a group of men you never met before? It was pretty clear that the scene was made just because of Ed Sheeran........don't understand me wrong, I love him, but I hate to see famous people appearing in series, it completely takes me out of the story, especially when the scene is clearly just made for that =(

The rest of the episode was a little boring as well, but we can overlook that, since it's only the beginning of the season.

GOT Kisses,


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Delightful Death - GOT

The last post of this "recalling best moments" sequence (just ONE day, guys!) is about one of the most satisfying scenes in GOT: Ramsay's death, which was one of the best moments of the series. After all, the guy achieved the unachievable: he was even more detestable than Joffrey. The latter was cruel, but nothing compared to Ramsay, who was a complete psychopath, being responsible for horrible things, such as:

- castrating Theon;

- abusing Sansa;

- killing his father and his newborn brother along with his stepmother;

- killing Rickon, Osha (Rickon's friend who was captured along with him), that good old lady who tried to help Sansa in Winterfell and many others for varied "reasons" (things like not having effectuated payments within the deadline).

And, since GOT never disappoints, the death of this monster was sufficiently tragic: he was devoured alive by his own dogs, which hadn't been fed for seven days (that's because Ramsay was preparing them a banquet, but he never imagined that he would be the snack).

Besides the satisfying death scene, it was very nice to see Sansa twisting the game. She smartly planned a secret backup plan, requiring Mindinho's help and not saying anything to anyone.........that was a very wise thing to do, after all, Ramsay's army was completely taken by surprise. 

Anyway, Sansa was brilliant: she knew that Ramsay would prepare a trap using Rickon as bait and that Jon Snow would probably fall into it..........and then what she did? She prepared a trap for the trap.......totally brilliant!

GOT Kisses,


Unforgettable Blind Fight - GOT

Just ONE day to the new season broadcast! What about enjoy the waiting by discussing one of the most agonizing moments in GOT? Of course I am talking about the fight between Arya and the bad tempered "no one" girl. I went crazy watching that endless chasing........but it was worth it, since the last seconds were absolutely incredible! As once I heard from a movie critic, "sometimes, the least a scene shows, the best it is" and that's exactly what happened in the fight between Arya and the "no one" blondie.

We didn't see how it actually happened, but this didn't make it any less brilliant. On the contrary, the mere suggestion of what happened, added to the tension of the seconds before the revelation of whose face was added to the Faceless Man "mask collection", were enough to turn it in one of the most unforgettable fights in the series.

Besides that, it was absolutely fantastic the way Arya defeated the blondie, using something that used to weaken her before (the blindness) to obtain advantage over her rival, who wasn't used to fight in the reminds me of that old saying: "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".

So, we must learn with Arya and start making ourselves stronger with the things that used to hurt or weaken us before. Yeah, GOT isn't just entertainment, it gives us important life lessons as well! One more motive to love this series!

GOT Kisses,


Friday, July 14, 2017

Cersei's Destiny - GOT

Cersei demonstrated that she can still be very dangerous and intelligent (cruel, of course, but in GOT you must be like that if you want to survive, so I am not going to judge her for that).........but is she ready to face what is coming?

First, to face the death of your only alive child is a heavy burden to carry, and it's even worse when your son kills himself because of something you provoked............Yeah, the truth is that Cersei was indirectly responsible for her own son's death. I know that the boy overreacted and that we can't totally blame the mother, but, come on, it's obvious that deep down she is going to blame herself for what happened. 

Second, the death of important members of House Tyrell left Olenna Tyrell with thirst for revenge and she joined Ellaria Sand in order to defeat Cersei. To achieve that, they are probably going to support Daenerys in her seek for the Iron Throne. I used to think that the Dragon's mother wouldn't be able to conquer that, because I thought it would be such an obvious (and that word doesn't exist for George Martin) ending. However, now I truly believe that she is going to become the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but that doesn't mean that she is going to remain like that until the end of the series......

She will probably go mad during her reign, like her father ("the Mad King") did, and that's going to lead to her downfall.............and then what? Who is going to assume the Iron Throne after Daenerys? Who is going to be sitting in the Iron Throne at the end of GOT? Well, folks, this is the true question here...........but, of course, we are still going to discuss a lot about that in other posts!

GOT Kisses,


Stark siblings together again - GOT

I suppose you are also very anxious to see Arya meeting her siblings, aren't you? Especially her reuniting with Jon Snow! If it was exciting to see Sansa reuniting with Jon, imagine how it's going to be with Arya! After all, they were both very close, including, he was the one that gave her Needle, the sword that she used to kill the bad tempered "no one" girl and that she never had the courage to get rid of, despite of her Master's orders to throw away all her belongings.

At the moment she decided not to get rid of her sword, we realized that she would never become a "no one". We knew that Arya was only "hidden" somewhere inside her and that she would eventually come out again. This awakening began when she couldn't help herself and killed Trant (which was one of the names in her black list) and the last straw was when she couldn't kill Lady Crane.

That's when our dear Arya resurrected well as Needle, which also resurrected after being hidden for a long time. Therefore, we can conclude that Jon Snow indirectly helped Arya survive, literally and metaphorically, and that's why their meeting is going to be very emotional and exciting. Actually, to see House Stark resurrecting is already exciting!

GOT Kisses,


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Can Brandon change the past? - GOT

Let's make the waiting for the new season a little more fun by discussing one of the most intriguing revelations in GOT: Brandon is the one responsible for messing up with Hodor's mind and turning him into the mental problem giant that we know...........In other words, Brandon has powers to influence the past!

It was already possible to foresee that when, in one of his visits to the past, he calls his father and the latter seems to listen. The Three-Eyed Raven, though, says that the "past is already written", "the ink is already dry"..........

But, having in mind the events with Hodor, could we say that the Three-Eyed Raven made a mistake? Well, it's possible, but it's more likely that he was actually telling the truth. After all, when we analyze the situation involving Hodor, we conclude that Brandon didn't change anything from the past: Hodor had to go through that in order to be the mental problem giant that we know.

And I say more: the Three-Eyed Raven probably knew that Brandon was responsible for Hodor being the way he is. Isn't it strange that he takes the boy for a visit to the past when there was an imminent White Walker attack? Do you really think it was a careless decision? I doubt it.

He did what he did because he already knew that things should happen that way. He knew that he was going to die and that the place would be destroyed (that's why he kept repeating "the time has come"). He knew that Brandon should be in the past so as to control Hodor from there and, so, let the story happen the way it was supposed to. Including, when Meera shouted "We need Hodor now!", Brandon hesitated a little, probably thinking "should I control him from the past?".........

But he attended his friend's request when the Three-Eyed Raven told him to do it.

But why did they do that to Hodor?

The Three-Eyed Raven didn't do that because he wanted to. He only knew that things should happen that way and let them to. After all, we can't play with destiny, we can't try to change the story........

Anyway, we can conclude that Brandon can influence the past events - reminding that he is invisible to people in the past, unless he makes effort to be noticed -, but only in a way that leads to results that already exist in the present. 

So, is it possible that Brandon influenced other events in the series? Totally! And we can even create many other theories from that:

- Brandon could have played a role in the sequence of events that led to Ned Stark's execution;

- he could be responsible to the King Aerys Targaryen's madness, since it's possible that Brandon made him crazy by trying to warn him about the White Walkers;

- he could have founded House Stark and built the Wall many years ago, reminding that the legendary founder of the Stark House and builder of the Wall was supposedly called "Bran The Builder", so, it's possible that he was actually Brandon Stark.

Anyway, Brandon could have influenced everything we have seen in the series so far!

But then you ask me: how come someone from the future can influence something from the past? I mean, Brandon wasn't born during Hodor's childhood time, so how could he influence events from that period? Well, folks, that's the famous and polemic TIME PARADOX, which can be found in almost every story involving time traveling. Lucky for you, I have already made a post concerning the matter, just CLICK HERE and check it out.

GOT Kisses,


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hodor's Destiny and Time Paradox - GOT

Hi dear GOT fans, only a few days to the new season broadcast! And, while we wait for the big day, let's discuss about one of the most remarkable moments of the last season: Hodor's death, a very emotional and intriguing scene that left us with a time paradox: Brandon, who wasn't even born during Hodor's childhood, was able to influence the events of this that were responsible for Hodor becoming the Hodor from the future, the giant with mental problems that we know...............

In other words, an event from the past (young Hodor getting into a trance and having his mind compromised forever) depends on an event from the future (Brandon returning to the past and using his "warg powers" in the boy) is this possible?

A theory that is very used to explain this paradox (which is so common in stories involving time traveling) is that the past, the present and the future aren't connected in an straight and one-dimensional line.............therefore, the events don't necessarily obey the temporal chronological sequence that we know..........

So, if you are sitting in front of your computer or of your cellphone, reading this post, you can get into a trance at anytime because of someone from the future that came by to make a visit and, for some reason, decided to use his "warg powers" in you and messed up with your mind.........and, the worst of all, is that this fellow already new you in the future as someone with mental problems, but didn't know why you was like that........and, now, while the son of a ***** watches you agonize, he realizes that it is all his fault!

Kind of complicated to accept that something like that could actually happen, isn't it? At least I can't imagine this happening in real life (unless science proves otherwise someday), that's why I prefer another theory to explain the time paradox: The Theory of the Parallel Realities, or, as I affectionately like to call it, Theory of Times.

As the name already indicates, the theory defends that there is more than one reality and, in each of them, the story can be different...........let's try to apply this theory to the events involving Hodor:

1st TIME (or first parallel reality): Hodor grows up like a normal person, without suffering the trance that messed up his mind. That's because Brandon wasn't born yet, so, he couldn't exist in the future and go back to the past so as to use the "warg powers" in the boy........ 

Anyway, Hodor became a normal adult, who could speak normally (so, he didn't have the nickname of Hodor, he was called by his real name) and everything else. We can't know for sure what happened in the first TIME, but it's possible that the giant had a similiar life to the one that we knows: he kept living in Winterfell, working for the Stark family, and saw Brandon grow up, become paraplegic..........and, when they ran away from Winterfell, Hodor went with them, since he wanted to help the boy and also because it was risky to continue living there.........

And the next part of the story happens in a way more or less similar to the one that we know........the most important things are that they arrive at the Three-Eyed Raven cave, Brandon develops his powers of time traveling and eventually plays dumb by trying to go to the past alone and ends up meeting the White Walkers............

And then, what happens?! Of course we can't know exactly what happened, but let's imagine something that could have actually happened: when the Three-Eyed Raven advises the others that the cave is going to be attacked, Hodor gets desperate and runs off alone in order to save himself (after all, it would be too risky to try to escape with everyone, especially because he would have to carry Brandon).

Realizing that they wouldn't be able to escape without the giant's help, Brandon tries to use the "warg powers" in Hodor in order to control him and make him get back to the cave, but he fails it, since it is very difficult to use the powers in human beings, especially humans that have complete mental capacity. Then, Meera and Brandons gets desperate and don't know what else to do..........

Seeing that, the Three-Eyed Raven has an idea: he takes Brandon to the past, during Hodor's childhood, and says to control him from there, since it's much easier to control a child's mind. So, Brandon controls adult Hodor through the child Hodor from the past, what makes the adult Hodor returns to the cave, which was already being attacked by the White Walkers, and help their friends to escape...........

And, after their friends run off, Hodor, controlled by Brandon, keeps holding the door with all his strength............which makes the psychic connection with child Hodor gets incredibly strong and, consequently, the boy gets into trance and has his mind messed up..........

2nd TIME (or second parallel reality): In the second TIME, the story happens the exact same way that's showed in the series: Hodor is the giant we know, with mental problems and only being able to say "Hodor"; he grows up and continues to work for the Stark family; he runs off with Brandon (and the others) from Winterfell and they end up in the Three-Eyed Raven cave, where Brandon develops his powers of time traveling and eventually provokes the White Walkers attack............

And then you ask me: why does the Three-Eyed Raven, even though being aware of the imminent attack, take Brandon to Hodor's childhood time? I mean, the adult Hodor's mind was already controllable in this second reality, so there was no need to go to the past in order to control his mind from there..........

Well, maybe the Three-Eyed Raven had some visions of the first reality (or first TIME) and saw Brandon controlling Hodor's mind from the past for some reason...............even though he couldn't understand why, he fears the consequences of changing the story and decides to make things the same way as shown in the visions: he takes Brandon to the past, makes him control Hodor's mind from there and, so, the boy gets in trance and has his mind messed up............

And the story keeps repeating in the other TIMES (or parallel realities).........

That's it guys, I hope you liked the theory. It's just a supposition that I created to show that it's possible to solve the time paradox in a different way, wihtout that scientific and complicated discourse that barely anyone understands and that's difficult to believe that it could actually happens in real life............

And what is your solution to solve this paradox?! Say it in the comments below! 

GOT Kisses,


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