Tuesday, April 4, 2017

TVD - Epic Ending (but with some flaws)

I know this post is very late, it's because I only watched the finale weeks after the premiere. In fact, I wasn't even going to watch it, since I haven't watched The Vampire Diaries (TVD, for the closest ones) for a long time. I was a fan of the series until the 4th Season, when I started to lose interest in the story. I felt that there was nothing else interesting to happen and that the screenwriters were making up bullshit in order to lengthen the series as much as they could (typical problem of successful tv series: they want to extend it no matter what, even if there's no more interesting story left to tell). 

Anyway, I wasn't going to watch it, but a voice inside my head made me to......Fortunately. I could never imagine that I would like this series finale so much. I even risk to say that it's one of the most beautiful endings in a TV series I have ever experienced. I was so wrong to believe that the episode woul be all about Damon and Elena and their tacky romance (Yeah, I am Stelena and I will always be). 

The cheeky vampire romance was far from being the focus of the episode and I loved it, especially the final scene. I watched that ending over and over, with tears in my eyes.......it was so beautiful! Who could imagine that a vampire story would end like that, emphasizing such a beautiful and important message for our lives? I still can't believe it. 

However, even though the ending scene was perfect, it doesn't mean that the whole episode was. There were a few flaws in the episode, mainly concerning Stefan's death, which was ridiculous and unnecessary. After all, why didn't he just tie Katherine up and leave her in the tunnels, waiting for the fire to come and kill her? So pathetic that he died that way. They could have thought of something better. 

Another huge flaw was the way Damon survived. First of all, I think it would be hard for Stefan to stick the injection (with his blood, which had the cure of vampirism) in his brother by surprise. Damon would have probably heard him approaching and stopped him from doing anything.

Second, it's weird that Damon didn't die from the fire, since he stayed lied unconscious (after Stefan had aplied the cure on him ), right beside the tunnel, where the fire passed through. After all, if the flames of the hell are the most powerful ones, they should have destroyed everything around the tunnels as well.......anyway, this whole scene should have been better planned.

Stefan was one of my favorite characters, but I do know he had to die somehow, because Caroline will probably participate in The Originals and, since she has that whole romance thing with Klaus, Stefan would get in the way if he wasn't dead. So, killing him was the easiest way to avoid future problems.

Concluding, Stefan's death turned out to be good for two reasons: it led to that beautiful ending, and it will provide a fresh start for Caroline in The Originals. I am looking forward to see my favorite vampire couple together again =)

Klaroline kisses,



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