Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jon's True Heritage: Why "Aegon"?! - GOT

Why Sam new about the registry if he didn't pay attention to Gilly when she read about it? Why Brandon didn't know that "Jon Snow" isn't a bastard if he is the Three-Eyed Raven? And why Lyanna gave her son the same name as his husband's son with another woman? Let's discuss about these questions and create some theories:

How Sam new about Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding registry?

I didn't understand it so well........I mean, Gilly was the first one to find the record, wasn't she?! When she told about it to Sam, he didn't even pay attention to it.........and since he decided to leave the Citadel right after, he didn't have time to read anything else.......

Maybe he was the first one to find the record and had already transcribed it before Gilly found it? Maybe he didn't pay attention when she read it because he already knew what she was talking about? Well, I think that was probably what happened, but I don't understand why the series made such a mess with that. They could have simply showed Sam finding about it............. 

Why Brandon didn't know about Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding?

We must keep in mind that Brandon isn't God, that is omniscient and omnipresent and knows everything of everyone in the world. Brandon is more like Google, he first has to search about something so as to know about it. And it's obvious that he can't see every single thing that happens or that has already happened. I mean, he only searchs about the things he considers important to know.........

And then you might ask: but the story concerning Rhaegar and Lyanna was very important, so why didn't Bran looked deeply into what really happened? Well, maybe Bran was so sure that his aunt was kidnapped and raped, that he didn't think it was important to verify if that actually happened. Maybe he thought that there was nothing more important to know from this story other than finding out Jon's real parents. 

Did Bran hear what Lyanna was whispering at the first time he watched the scene?

No, he didn't hear it at the first time, otherwise he would have known that Jon isn't a bastard. So, he watched that scene again after talking to Sam because he realized that he probably had missed something important from that moment.

Why Lyanna gave her son the same name as Rhaegar and Elia's child?

Well, the first thing that crossed my mind is that Lyanna believed her son would be someone very important, such as Aegon, the Conqueror...........but who is him by the way?

"Hundreds of years ago, the legendary Targaryen lead his own fiery campaign across Westeros. It changed both the kingdom and his family forever, transforming them from minor lords in Dragonstone into the first true Kings to rule over a unified Westeros.

To rewind a bit, before Aegon’s conquest, Westeros was actually seven separate kingdoms ruled by seven separate kings. But with fire and blood and a surprising amount of political savvy Aegon made each rival monarch (with the exception of Meria Martell in Dorne) bend the knee with the help of his dragon-riding sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys (seriously, Targaryen history makes Cersei and Jaime’s twincest look quaint.)

At the end of his unprecedented takeover, Aegon even melted the swords of all the enemies he defeated with dragonfire to create The World’s Most Uncomfortable Chair, AKA that Iron Throne they’re all still fighting over today". (Click HERE to check out the entire post)

So, it's possible that Lyanna wanted to give her son a name that suggested power and conquest, even though her husband's child with Elia had the same name.........I know it's hard to explain, but let's discuss some theories concerning the matter.......

Rhaegar and his first wife, Elia Martell, had two children: Rhaenys Targaryen, the eldest daughter, and Aegon Targaryen, the youngest son. Elia was bedridden for half a year after giving birth to Rhaenys, and giving birth to Aegon nearly killed her. Following Aegon's birth, the maesters told Rhaegar that Elia would bear no more children. However, Rhaegar wanted to have three children, in order to complete the "third head of the dragon":

"In season 2 of Game of Thrones, in the finale episode, Daenerys Targaryen enters the House of the Undying, where she has a vision of Khal Drogo and hears some cryptic words from Pyat Pree. It's a fantastic scene. 

The chapter it's taken from, though, 48 in A Clash of Kings, is more insane. In the book, Daenerys sees a vision of a man who appears to be her brother, Rhaegar, with a woman and a baby. Rhaegar tells the woman 'He is the Prince that was Promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.'

Rhaegar then states that 'There must be one more... the dragon has three heads'. He then proceeds to play a harp, as is customary after making bleak prophecies about heirs and dragons". (Click HERE to read the entire post)

Dany's vision probably showed Rhaegar talking to his wife Elia about their newborn baby, Aegon, their youngest child. And, as we can see, Rhaegar believed that he was the prince who was promised, and that his was the song of ice and fire.

We can also conclude, from the line mentioned above, that Rhaegar was indeed obsessed in having one more child with Elia in order to complete the three heads of the dragon, which is probably a reference to the three-headed dragon that is the sigil of the House Targaryen.

Since Rhaegar later annulled his marriage with Elia (some people even believe that he abandoned her only because she couldn't bare another child, but I don't think so) and married Lyanna, he didn't have legitimate children anymore, he would have a "fresh start".

He probably wanted to have three children with Lyanna and wanted both of them to have the same names of his abandoned children.........I now it's a very strange thing to do, but maybe Rhaegar wanted to name his children with the same (or at least similar, in case the gender was different) names of the "original" three heads of the dragon: Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys.

It's also possible that Rhaegar changed his mind about his son with Elia: since the child isn't legitimate anymore, he can't be the prince who was promised. So, he believed that the true prince would be his first son with Lyanna, that's why he also wanted to name it Aegon, since it's a powerful name that represents the grandeur of his son's destiny.

Anyway, he probably told Lyanna whatever he had in mind and when "Jon Snow" was born, she accomplished her husband's desire by naming their son Aegon Targaryen.......

Yeah, I know it's weird to name your son with the same name as your husband's son with another woman, but maybe Lyanna was convinced by Rhaegar's arguments and loved what the name "Aegon" represented: power and conquest. Besides, she knew that she would die, so why not accomplish her husband's wish? 

I think it actually makes sense, but we can't be sure of the exact reason...........I do hope the series explains it to us. 

Ice and Fire Kisses,


Friday, August 25, 2017

What's up with the Stark siblings?! - GOT

What's up with the stark siblings? I mean, the Winterfell scenes have been the most confusing ones lately. Why is Arya behaving in such a strange way? Is Sansa suspecting of Littlefinger's plan? And will Brandon play an important role in the war against the White Walkers? Let's discuss about each one of those characters:

1- What's happening to Arya?

I am aware that, after everything Arya had been through, it's comprehensible that she would become a more insensitive person.........but the series made clear to us that she didn't turn into a complete cold blood psychopath: 

- she abandoned her plans of killing Cersei after she found out her family took their home back from the Boltons;

- she was heart broken when her direwolf Nymeria refused to go back with her to Winterfell;

- she was happy to see Sansa again and their meeting was very cute.

So, I just can't understand why Arya had cute moments like those, but then started behaving so awkwardly in the following episodes..........

I do hope she is only pretending to behave like that in order to deceive Littlefinger. Maybe she has already found out about his plans and she is only pretending to act like a freak psychopath so as to make him believe that his plan is working.

I mean, Arya became such a kick-ass, I can't believe she just fell into Littlefinger's trap so easily.........besides, since she was following Littlefinger everywhere, it's possible that she secretly listened to Littlefinger talking to Sansa about using Brienne to "take care" of Arya......

So, I do believe Arya has already figured out everything and is only preparing a trap for Littlefinger...........either that or she actually became a stupid freak talking nonsense. 

2- Is Sansa suspecting that Littlefinger is trying to put Arya against her?

Sansa is no longer that stupid child from the beginning of the series. She is much smarter now and she doesn't trust Littlefinger at, isn't it possible that she is already suspecting that he is the one that is turning Arya against her? I mean, when Littlefinger talked about using Brienne to "take care of" Arya, I am pretty sure that Sansa realized that something was wrong. 

It's possible that she sent Brienne away when the opportunity came (the invitation to go to King's Landing) because she was already suspecting of Littlefinger's plan: use Brienne to get in the middle of the sisters' disagreement and end up in a huge fight with Arya, which would propably get Brienne killed (Littlefinger and Sansa even saw Arya defeating Brienne when they were training), and the Lady of Winterfell would lose her protector and her rivalry with her sister would increase a lot more.........which would make Sansa much more vulnerable to Littlefinger........  

So, yeah. I believe that not only Arya, but also Sansa are aware (or at least suspecting) of Littlefinger's plan........maybe the two sisters are only pretending to fight in order to deceive him? It's possible, but I believe that each of them are working "alone" in this, each one is manipulating the guy in their own manner.........but we never know, right?! Let's wait to see what the Stark sisters are planning to get out of this situation.

3- How will Brandon be helpful in the near future?

Bran is so powerful, but yet he hardly appears.........why doesn't he tell Sansa and Arya about Littlefinger's plan? Maybe he has secretely told his sisters about everything and the two of them are only pretending that they don't know about it? Or maybe Bran hasn't told anything to them because he knows that they will be able to get out of this situation alone?    

Anyway, Bran hasn't appeared much in the past episodes.......but will he play an important role in the near future? Maybe in the war between the living and the dead? Isn't it possible that he will use his warg powers to try to control an important creature who is going to be at the enemy's side? An important creature such as the Ice Dragon created by the Night King? 

There are lots of theories concerning whether Bran will ever warg a dragon, mostly because of the dialogue between Bran and the former Three Eyed Raven:

- Will I walk again?  (Brandon)

- No, you will never walk again, but you will fly. (Three eyed Raven)

Lots of people interpreted this line ("you will fly") as if it was indicating that Bran would warg a dragon, but other people disagreed with that for several reasons:

- they believed that there wouldn't be a reason why Bran would need to warg one, since they believed that the three dragons would be mounted by Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion (because of  the theory that the latter is a Targaryen);

- they say that it's too difficult to warg a dragon, since they are magical and intelligent creatures;

- they defend that the line "you will fly" is only metaphorical and refers to the fact that Bran will be very powerful: warg powers, time traveling powers and other Three-Eyed Raven powers.

Well, except for the first item (which we already know to be wrong), I kind of agree with the other two, but that doesn't mean that the "warg dragon power" theory isn't possible. I mean, the "you will fly" line probably refers to Bran's powers in general, but it doesn't exclude the possibility that he will be able to warg an powerful animal such as a dragon. 

I know that it's indeed difficult to warg an intelligent and magical creature like a dragon, but it's not impossible. And we can't forget that Bran has been enhancing his warg powers during these past years (he became able to even warg Hodor, which wasn't an easy task, even with the giant's mental problem), so I believe that he is capable of warging a dragon.......

Yeah, I am aware that the Ice Dragon will be controlled by the Night King, which will be even more difficult for Bran to warg it, but I still believe it will be possible.........I believe that Bran will be able to control the dragon for a few moments, until the Night King takes back the control of the creature.......

I do believe there will be a "mental fight" between Bran and the Night King, after all, both of them seem to have some powers in common, like greensight (we saw that the Night King could notice Bran's presence and touch him during his vision and could also notice him when he was warging the ravens to spy on the dead army).........

Anyway, if that actually happens, Bran will be a huge threat for the army of the dead.  

That's it guys, I do hope you liked the post. And what do you think is going on with the Stark siblings?! Leave in the comments below =)

Stark Kisses,


Friday, August 18, 2017

Prophecies: Book x Tv Series - GOT

Prophecies are becoming so confusing in GOT, especially because the TV series changes some things from the books, which turn out to go against certain prophecies and create lots of confusions and doubts between the viewers. Another irritating thing is that the series often doesn't show the complete prophecies, which creates even more doubts among the fans. Let's discuss about some misunderstandings concerning the matter:

Mirri Maz Duur's Prophecy and Daenerys infertility

The book indicates that Daenerys became infertile after the ritual the Witch made to "bring Khal Drogo back to life", in which Dany end up paying with her son's life..........

In the series, after the ritual ends and Dany sees Drogo quiet and looking at nothing, we have the following dialogue:

When will he (Drogo) be as he was? —Dany asked

"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur, "When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves."

But in the book, Mirri's line is a little bit longer. In addition to the three conditions mentioned above, she also says another one:

" (...) When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."

So, the series omitted the part concerning Dany's infertility......maybe because she didn't become sterile in the series? I used to think that way, but then I rewatched the scene in which Dany was found by the Dothraki (after Drogon rescued her from the arena and left her in a place relatively far from Meereen) and was brought to Khal Moro. They had the following dialogue:

- Tonight I will lie with you, and if the Great Stallion is kind, you will give me a son. Do you understand? (Khal Moro)

- I will not lie with you. And I will bear no children, for you, or anyone else. Not until the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east. (Daenerys)

What we can understand from that is that she actually became infertile, like in the books. But why didn't the series show the whole prophecy? I mean, they can't jus show some parts of the prophecies and expect us to presume that the omitted parts are implied. After all, the series is different from the books in many aspects, so, when the series omits certain parts, we can't be sure if those parts are still valid. 

Maggy's prophecy and Cersei's death and the unexpected children

When Cersei was a teenager, she visited the witch Maggy so as to ask her about her future. The witch sucked the blood from Cersei's finger and told her she could make three questions. They had the following dialogue in the series:

Cersei: I'm promised to the prince. When will we marry?

Maggy: Never. You will wed the king.

Cersei: But I will be queen?

Maggy: Oh yes. You will be queen, for a time... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.

Cersei: Will the king and I have children?

Maggy: “The king will have twenty, you will have three. Gold will be their crowns, and gold their shrouds,”

In the book, though, Maggy's last line is a litter bit longer:

“(....) And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”

So, as we can see, the valonqar ("little brother" in Valyrian) part was not showed in the series...........and what can we conclude from that? Do we have to consider that the omitted part is still valid? Well, I guess it's still valid. After all, Dany's infertility was first omitted in the series, but was confirmed later.

As if it wasn't good enough, there is another confusing part concerning the prophecy: Maggy told Cersei that she would have only three children and that gold should be their crowns (which is probably a metaphor for the children's golden hair) and gold should be their shrouds (indicating that Cersei's children would die before her, which actually happened)............Yeah, everything seems okay, BUT what about the other unexpected children? I mean, Cersei is pregnant now........if she ends up having the baby, will the prophecy be broken?

Well, as a matter of fact, the prophecy has already been broken in the series, since Cersei had another son: her first born child was black-haired (and, therefore, we presume he was King Robert Baratheon's true son) and died because of a fever when he was still very young. 

Cersei first told that to Catelyn when the latter was taking care of Brandon, who was in risk of dying after Jaime pushed him from the tower. Some viewers wondered if the story was actually true, but later in Season 1 she speaks about the dead baby with Robert himself, which confirms she wasn't lying. 

This confused the fans a lot and there are lots of theories concerning Cersei's black-haired son. Some of those theories even say that Gendry was the black-haired boy, whose death was somehow faked........and one of the main arguments used to support these theories is that Gendry once told Ned his mother was blond.

However, we have strong reasons to believe that Cersei's black-haired son never survived:

- Writer Bryan Cogman was directly asked about this with regard to Maggy's prophecy, and he indeed confirmed that Cersei's black-haired son with Robert simply isn't included in her "official" count of children because he died in the cradle: "Maggy’s just speaking of the three official kids who lived and were known, etc. The black haired baby was kept quiet." 

 - In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Cersei never gave birth to any of Robert's children. When Eddard Stark confronts her about the identity of the father of her children, she admits that Jaime is their father, and that she loathed Robert since their first night, for coming to their bed drunk and calling her by Lyanna's name. She also reveals that Robert got her pregnant once, and her brother found a woman that could end the pregnancy. Robert was unaware of both the pregnancy and the abortion.

So, while the books showed Cersei as a despicable human being that killed her own child just because it was Robert's son, the TV series prefered to show a more human version of Cersei, who gave birth and loved a true son of Robert, who ended up dying in the cradle. 

Therefore, the black-haired son was never meant to be someone important, it was only a different way to represent Cersei and Robert's child in the story: instead of being killed in the womb by his own mother, he was a beloved child that actually lived for a while, but ended up dying because of a fever. 

Anyway, I know it's very cute that the producers wanted to show a less evil version of Cersei, but the truth is that they shouldn't have inserted this black-haired baby. This only confused the fans and created a huge incongruity with Maggy's prophecy. After all, a born child is a born child, of course it should be taken into account.........and it doesn't matter what lame excuses the producers try to give, it was indeed a huge and careless flaw in the script.

Well, getting back to the discussion concerning Cersei's recent pregnancy, I rather believe that she will have a miscarriage, otherwise there will be another huge incongruity with the prophecy..........and I am aware that prophecies might not turn out to be true, but we can't forget that GOT is a fictional universe where magical and unnatural things, why prophecies should be an exception?!

The prophecy of the Azor Ahai and/or the prince who was promised 

Another prophecy that is very confusing is the one concerning the Azor Ahai, which, as far as I can remember, hasn't been brought up in the series yet. Maybe it never will...........unless the Azor Ahai turns out to be the prince who was promised, which Melisandre talked about when she met Daenerys in the series:

- What does your Lord expect from me? (Danerys)

- The Long Night is coming. Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn. (Melisandre)

- I am afraid I am not a prince. (Danerys)

- Your Grace, forgive me, but your translation is not quite accurate. This noun has no gender in High Valaryan. So, the proprer translation for that prophecy would be "the prince or princess who was promised to bring the dawn". (Missandei)

- And do you believe this prophecy refers to me? (Danerys)

- Prophecies are dangerous things..........I believe you have a role to play, as does another: the King of the North, Jon Snow. (Melisandre)

So, things are very confusing. We can't even be sure whether the Azor Ahai and the prince who was promised are the same. I believe they are indeed the same, since they seem to have the same purpose: fight against the darkness that fell heavy in the world. However, if that turns out to be right, I don't understand why the series hasn't brough up the term "Azor Ahai" yet......

From all the theories concerning the matter, the "Jon Snow Azor Ahai" theory is the one that most makes sense. He fulfills all the requirements for being the Azor Ahai and the prince who was promised. The only thing that isn't very clear yet is the part of the legend which says that the Azor Ahai must kill his true love so as to create Lightbringer, the burning sword that he will use to fight against the evil.

Well, it's possible that Daenerys turns out to be Jon's true love that must be sacrificed. After all, Melisandre believes that both Dany and Jon have a role to play in the prophecy and, as the previous episodes are indicating, they will probably be romantically involved at some point..........well, I do hope that doesn't happen, I think it would be too pathetic. I believe Daenerys has a more important role to play (rule the Seven Kingdoms for a while before she goes mad like her father) than just being someone's true love that must be sacrificed in order to bring up a sword........

In fact, if we analyze the theory in a more literal way, neither Jon nor Daenerys fit the prophecy, since they aren't prince and princess. They are King and Queen: one represents the ice and the other, the fire, respectively. I mean.......literally speaking, the most logical thing to happen is that the prince who was promised (which is the one that has the song of ice and fire) turns out to be their son. The expression "SONg of ice and fire" might even suggest that the prince will be the son of a King and a Queen that represents the ice and fire.

I am aware of Dany's infertility, but the truth is that this is the least of the problems. After all, if the Lord of Light could even ressurect Jon Snow, it's totally possible that he could bring back Dany's fertility....

The biggest issue here is that the army of the dead is already invading Westeros, the darkness is already being instated in the world. There's no time for the prince to be born and grow up so as to fulfill his destiny........or is there another solution for this? I talked about some hypotheses in my last post, check it out later =)

And, of course, there's always the possibility that the prophecy is much more metaphorical than we think.......let's just trust George Martin because I am sure he won't disappoint us. Though, there might be a problem if the producers change too many things.......

Anyway, the series should be more careful with the prophecies, otherwise the story will be very confusing and pathetic, which will make this fascinating fictional universe that we love lose part of its enchanting.

Prophetic Kisses,


Friday, August 11, 2017

Who is the Azor Ahai and/or the SONg of Ice and Fire?

The Azor Ahai prophecy is so confusing, isn't it?! First of all, we aren't even sure if the Azor Ahai and the prince that was promised (the SONg of ice and fire) are the same. I tend to believe - and I guess that most of you as well - that they are indeed the same, or, at least, strongly related to each other (you will understand it at the end of the post). Anyway, let's discuss.........

 According to the prophecy, the Azor Ahai:

- is coming after a long summer, when the star bleeds and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world / when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers (variant);

- shall be born again amidst smoke and salt;

- shall wake dragons out of stone;

- shall draw from the fire a burning sword, the Lightbringer (which, according to the legend, was created after the Azor Ahai drove the sword into his wife's breast)

If the Azor Ahai is the same as the prince/princess that was promised, so he/she:

- is born of the line of Aerys II and Rhaella;

- is the song of ice and fire;

So, having that in mind, there are a few theories concerning who is the Azor Ahai and/or the prince or princess that was promised:

Jaime Lannister

As crazy as it seems, some people believe that Jaime can be the one. Lots of fans have long speculated that Tyrion Lannister wasn't really Tywin's son, but the bastard child of Joanna Lannister and the Mad King Aerys Targaryen (who seemed to be obsessed with Joanna and possibly raped her). However, this new theory says that things can turn out to be the opposite: Jaime and Cersei are the bastards with Targaryen blood (when we think about it, there are indeed some similarities between the twins and the Targaryens: they have light hair and commit incest, Cersei is a little bit crazy.....) and Tyrion is the only true son of Tywin.

So, if Jamie turns out to be a Targaryen, he will be able to ride a dragon and save the world from the White Walkers, fulfilling his destiny as the Azor Ahai (and/or as the prince that was promised).

It's possible that his "rebirth" happens after he survives Drogon's attack in the battle between the Lannister's and the Dothraki: he survives the attack and reappears from the salt water (it might be sault, why not?!) he nearly drowned into, surrounded by the air full of smoke from the dragon fire..........

And the "red star bleeding" might be a metaphor for the fact that the Lannister's army, one of the strongest armies of all times, now is totally defeated, the red Lannisters' flags are ripped up and covered with blood......

After his rebirth, Jaime will bring up a sword, the Lightbringer, which will be made by his true love's soul, according to the legend:

"Darkness lay over the world and a hero, Azor Ahai, was chosen to fight against it. To fight the darkness, Azor Ahai needed to forge a hero's sword. He labored for thirty days and thirty nights until it was done. However, when he went to temper it in water, the sword broke. He was not one to give up easily, so he started over. The second time he took fifty days and fifty nights to make the sword, even better than the first. To temper it this time, he captured a lion and drove the sword into its heart, but once more the steel shattered. The third time, with a heavy heart, for he knew beforehand what he must do to finish the blade, he worked for a hundred days and nights until it was finished. This time, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast. He drove his sword into her breast, her soul combining with the steel of the sword, creating Lightbringer."

An interesting thing about this quote is that the Azor Ahai will test the sword in a lion........what if it turns out to be Tyrion, the only true lion from the three Lannisters? Isn't it possible that Jaime captures his brother and droves the sword into his heart? And, after the steel shatters, he knows what to do next: drive the sword into the heart of his true love, Cersei, and create Lightbringer. This also fits the prophecy according to which Cersei is going to die at the hand of the valonqer (which means "younger brother" in Valyrian), and Jaime is younger than her by a few minutes........

And what about the "wake dragons out of stone" part? Well, I can't see how this will fit the "Jaime Azor Ahai" theory, but we never know, right?! After all, prophecys aren't literal, so we can't be sure of what the words exactly means.......

Besides, if the Azor Ahai turns out to be the prince that is promissed, Jaime should be the SONg of ice and fire as well and, according to the theory, Jaime only seems to have the "fire side"........

Anyway, I confess that I don't like the idea of Jaime being the Azor Ahai. I mean, he has nothing to do with the "ice and fire" battle and it wouldn't be natural to make him play such an important role in this conflict. Besides, the Azor Ahai must complete the Lightbringer with a pure soul, and I can't see Cersei being this "pure heroic soul that completes the sword that is going to save the world". It would be very pathetic, don't you agree?!

Daenerys Targaryen

Even though the prophecy was believed to referer to a man, it might actually refers to a woman, since the word used to describe the prince in the legend was a gender-neutral word. So, there's a great chance that the "Daenerys Azor Ahai" theory turns out to be truth. After all:

- she literally awoke dragons out of stone and she was born surrounded by salt (since Dragonstone is by the sea);

- she was "reborn" from the flames (surrounded by smoke and ashes) on Khal Drogo's burning funeral pyre, where the dragons were born and she became The Mother of Dragons;

- the red comet appears in the sky, indicating that the dragons are back (Osha affirms to Brandon that the red comet means one thing: dragons), which is an allusion to the prophecy quote "when the stars bleed".

Daenerys complies almost all the requirements for being the Azor Ahai, but the part envolving the Lightbringer still doesn't seem to fit. First, Daenerys doesn't fight with swords and I don't even remember ever seeing her using one in the first place. Second, who is going to be the true love that she has to kill in order to creat the Lightbringer? Drogo has already died and she didn't even care about Daario..........maybe her true love turns out to be Jorah? I don't think she loves him in a romantic way, but she definitely has strong feelings for him.......

Besides, if the Azor Ahai and the prince that is promised (the SONg of a ice and fire) turn out to be the same, I don't see how Daenerys will fit into the prophecy, since she only seems to have the "fire side"........ 

Jon Snow

The "Jon Snow Azor Ahai" theory is one of the most popular theories concerning the matter, since it is the one that most makes sense: 

- he was born under a bleeding star, since Ned Stark enters the Tower of Joy with a bloodied Dawn, the ancestral sword of House Dayne which was forged from a fallen star;

- he is the son of ice (Lyanna Stark) and fire (Rhaegar Targaryen), so, if the Azor Ahai and the prince that is promised (the SONg of ice and fire) are the same, Jon will fit the prophecy;

- he was ressurected from the dead, which was like a "rebirth" and there was smoke (from the nearby fire where Melisandre burned some of his hairs) and salt (from the blood that was cleaned off his chest or maybe it was from the tears of the ones who cried over his death);

- he has always played an important role in the White Walker issue and it makes sense that he turns out to play the most important role in the battle.

The only things that aren't very clear yet is the "wake dragons out of stone" part - which might be an allusion to the fact that he could convince Daenerys to join him in the fight against the White Walkers - and the part concerning the sword, which must be drawn into his true love's chest so as to create Lightbringer.........

Well, when we think about it, it's possible that the prophecy isn't literal at all and that it actually means that the Azor Ahai lost his lover in the journey for becoming the hero he is supposed to be. And that's what happened to Jon: he chose his duty to the Night's Watch over his love for Ygritte and indirectly caused her death by warning Castle Black of the incoming wildling raid. 

To be sincere, I think that the biggest mark against the "Jon Snow Azor Ahai" theory is that it's too obvious and that word doesn't suit George Martin........

The TRUE SONg of ice and fire

What if the Azor Ahai and/or the prince that is promised is someone else? Someone outside this "comfort zone"? As we have discussed before, there is a great chance that the Azor Ahai and the prince that is promised are the, the one that we are looking for must be a true SONg of the ice and fire and I don't thing Jon Snow represents ice and fire so well. After all, his mother, Lyanna Stark, wasn't a very important representative of the North.........and Rhaegar Targaryen, his father, wasn't such an important leader as well......

I believe that the true SONg of ice and fire have parents that are true leaders and representatives of their, what if the Azor Ahai reincarnates (reborns) as the son of Daenerys and Jon Snow? They are true leaders and important representatives of the "fire side" and the "ice side" respectively.........Melisandre even said, while she watched Jon Snow arriving at Dragonstone, that "I have done my part, I have brought ice and fire together".

Besides, the series is already indicating us that the two of them might get married. First, we have Daenerys saying to Daario that she can't take a lover to Westeros, since she'll probably need to make alliances by getting married.........

Now we see that Jon Snow needs to find a way to make Daenerys his ally, but without losing support from the North.........maybe marriage is the answer. After all, the North people would hate to have a South Targaryen Queen they don't even know, BUT if she marries Jon Snow and both govern together, the North people would accept it more.......

And I guess Sor Davos is already thinking about it, he even had that suspicious conversation with Jon, in which he asks "What do you think of her?" and Jon says that "she has a good heart", I think Jon might consider the idea soon......

And then you ask me: but GOT isn't a fairy tale and it would be too pathetic if they two follow for each other............yeah, I agree with you, a true romance would be very pathetic, but who is talking about love? If they end up getting married, it will only be for political reasons.........

And then you ask me again: but if they are getting married only for political reasons, they won't be physically involved, so how are they going to have a son? Well, just because it isn't true love, that doesn't mean they don't like each other.........and if they marry, it's totally possible they end up having sex......

Yeah, I know that the book indicates that Daenerys became infertile after the ritual the Witch made to "bring Khal Drogo back to life", in which Dany end up paying with her son's life..........

In the series, after the ritual ends and Dany sees Drogo quiet and looking at nothing, we have the following dialogue:

When will he (Drogo) be as he was? —Dany asked

"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur, "When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves."

But in the book, Mirri's line is a little bit longer. In addition to the three conditions mentioned above, she also says another one:

" (...) When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."

So, things aren't very clear.......the book indicates that she became infertile, but the series omits it, and what can we conclude from that? Well, I don't think that the book and the series are going to take a different course on this matter, because it's a very important thing to be changed. However, it's possible that the series omitted the indication of her infertility because it wasn't something permanent. Maybe The Lord of Light will cure her and make her capable of getting pregnant again.........

I know you probably have other doubts, such as: but the White Walkers are soon going to attack Westeros, it won't have time for Dany and Jon's son to grow up and become the Azor Ahai........yeah, but let's think about some possibilities:

- It's possible that the world will be a chaos for years, dominated by the White Walkers, and the remained humans will have to live their lives hiding from the evil..........yeah, it will be something similar to what happens in The Walking Dead, but of course we wouldn't watch the events of these years, the season would end with the White Walkers dominating everything and the next season would happen roughly twenty years later, when the Azor Ahai is old enough to fulfill his destiny.

- It's possible that Dany won't bear a child, maybe she will bear a powerful illuminated inhuman being, which is the Azor you think I am crazy for saying this? Well, considering that Melisandre gave birth to a shadow that killed Renly Baratheon, I think that it's totally possible that Dany gives birth to something inhuman, which turns out to be the Azor Ahai.

- Maybe Jon Snow is the Azor Ahai, who is going to defeat the White Walkers and save the world, and his son with Dany is the prince that is promised (the SONg of a ice and fire), who is going to play another important role in the future......

So that's it guys, I do hope you liked the post. Don't forget to leave your comment below saying which one is your favorite theory or tell us about another theory you have heard or created =)

Azor Ahai Kisses,


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Perfect Timing - GOT

Euron Greyjoy is really getting on my nerves. I do hope the series gives us a great explanation for how Euron's fleet always appears out of nowhere and, in this case, in the perfect timing as well. On my last post I brought up the idea that someone in Daenerys' team might be betraying her and giving information to the enemy. Lots of people don't believe there is a traitor, though. So, let's make a brief analysis of what has happened so far and try to clear up the ideas:

- The surprise attack to the nephews' fleet 

Euron's fleet appears out of nowhere and surprisingly attacks his nephews' fleet, which was very strange, wasn't it?! You might say that, since he knew that Daenerys was at Dragonstone, he just took his fleet somewhere nearby and kept there, waiting for any ship to appear...........

Yeah, it's possible, but it would be very complicated, since it would be difficult to stay a long time in the ocean, just waiting for the enemy's fleet to appear someday. It would be not only exhausting, but also risky, after all, it isn't easy for a big fleet such as Euron's to remain unnoticed..........the enemy could discover them and attack or find another way to overcome the threat.

Besides, there is another huge question: Euron's biggest target was Ellaria Sand, since she would be the perfect gift to Cersei........and how he knew that Ellaria was with this nephews in the first place?! You might say that they attacked their nephews without knowing she was there, but that doesn't seem to be what happened. Pay attention to the scene: when they found Ellaria and her daughter, they already knew that they should capture them instead of killing them. They clearly weren't caught by surprise when they found them, which means that they already knew who they were going to find there.

- The perfect timing to show up at the coast near Casterly Rock and destroy the enemy's ships

You're probably going to say that there was no need for an informant, since Cersei already presumed that Tyrion would plan to attack Casterly Rock, that's why she sent Euron's fleet there...........yeah, I agree with you, BUT how do you explain the perfect timing? I mean, Euron's fleet arrived at the perfect moment: when almost the whole army of The Unsullied were already inside Casterly Rock, away from the coast.........

And why is that so important? Let's think for a second: what if Euron's fleet had arrived there one or two days later? The army would have time to take Casterly Rock and, after they realized that most part of the Lannisters' army wasn't there, The Unsullied (or, better saying, most of them, since some would remain at Casterly Rock so as to keep it under control) would return to the ships and sail back to Dragonstone.

Anyway, what I am saying is: the perfect timing was what assured the success of the trap that the Lannisters sent for Dany's army. If Euron's fleet had arrived moments later, the trap wouldn't be so successful. And how would Cersei know the exact day that The Unsullied would attack Casterly Rock? The only explanation is that someone gave her that information........

You might say that Euron's fleet went there much earlier and stayed a long time nearby, waiting for the enemy to appear..........yeah, but then we get back to that discussion: it would be very exhausting and risky to do that, especially because Euron's fleet is too big to be "hidden".

Anyway, either there is a traitor in Daenerys' team or we will have to accept absurd conveniences in GOT.........

Revolted Kisses,


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