Friday, October 27, 2017

Is Rey a Kenobi?! - Star Wars

Is Rey a Kenobi? Is she Obi-Wan's grandchild? Let's talk about some of the main topics concerning the theory and see if it actually makes any sense:

Both Rey and Obi-Wan have a Core World accent

Since both Rey and Obi-Wan have a Core World accent (which corresponds to British accent in real life), people say that they are blood related to each other. And the suspicion rise up when we see that John Boyega (who plays Finn) also has a British accent in his natural speaking voice, but was told not to do it in the movie. So, lots of people believe that the producers intentionally let Daisy Ridley do the accent because the character was meant to speak that way.

However, even if the character was indeed meant to have the accent, that doesn't mean anything, since the way you speak isn't a biological feature, it's something you gain because of the place you were born or because of the way that the people who raised you speak. Therefore, either Rey grew up in a Core World before living in Jakku, or whoever raised her (before she was given to Unkar Plutt) had the accent. So, even though the accent indicates a slight chance of Rey being a descendant of Obi-Wan, it's way too far from being a strong evidence to support the theory.

Besides, what if the reason why Rey has such accent isn't in the Star Wars universe, but in the real world? What if Daisy Ridley couldn't pull off an american accent? Maybe she tried to speak without the British accent, but it wasn't working out and, for the sake of a good movie, the producers preferred to let her speak the way it was the best for her, even though the fans would question about it. 

If Obi-Wan is Rey's grandfather, who is her grandmother? 

Some people say that it's Satine, a character from The Clone Wars animated series, since Obi-Wan developed feelings for her and would even leave the Jedi Order if she asked to.

Yeah, there's a chance that she ended up being pregnant, but why no one knew about it? I mean, she was mentor of an entire planet, and people would know if she had a child. I know that she could have covered the pregnancy up, but how easy it would be for a woman in her position to hide such a big secret? I understand that there is a slight chance that she could have  managed to hide her pregnancy, but even so it's a very weak argument to support the theory. 

And what if Rey's grandmother isn't Satine? 

What if Obi-Wan fell in love with someone else after Satine's death? Maybe he met someone in Tatooine during the time he spent there (looking after Luke), or maybe he left the planet for a short period of time during those years and had an affair with someone in another planet.......

People say that there are some evidences to support this "A New Hope", shortly after Obi-Wan gives Luke his father's lightsaber, the former starts talking about Anakin, and then says this curious line: "I was once a Jedi Knight like your father". Why he said that? Didn't he consider himself a Jedi anymore? Isn't it possible that he didn't obey the Jedi rules anymore and, so, he didn't bother to leave Tatooine and enjoy his life? Maybe even have a lover at some point?                                                                                          

And, after he enjoyed his life for a while, he decided to return to Tatooine. Maybe he heard rumors about a mechanical man wearing black suit called Darth Vader, which he remembered to be Anakin's Sith name, thanks to the record he saw in Episode III. So, Obi-Wan realized that Anakin didn't die at Mustafar, as he believed. Maybe that's what makes him go back to Tatooine. After all, he felt responsible for training Anakin, who became one of the most powerful dark side users of the galaxy.

Since Obi-Wan felt responsible for helping Luke defeat his father, he decided to abandon his lover (without knowing she was pregnant) and go back to Tatooine so as to start his training for becoming a Force Ghost and be able to help Luke even after death. And becoming a Force Ghost means that he had to let go of all attachments, including his romantic relationship, that's why he didn't bring his lover with him. However, he didn't know that the woman was pregnant.........that's why he never knew about the child.........

Well, I must confess that it isn't a crazy theory, it actually makes sense, but I don't think it would be nice if it turned out to be true. I mean, it would change the charater, since the Obi-Wan we know would never give up his duties in Tatooine (even if it was only for a while) so as to "enjoy life" and have a lover or even a one night stand.......

Besides, I don't think Obi-Wan ever stopped to live accordingly to the Jedi rules. I think he just didn't consider himself a Jedi anymore because he no longer worked to protect the galaxy (at least not officially), since the Jedi Order was destroyed..........but I strongly believe he never abandoned the Jedi lifestyle, especially because he was focused on his mission: help Luke defeat the Empire and become a Force Ghost, in case he would be needed after death (which he was, since he directed Luke to Dagobah so as to receive his training, which was crucial for the Empire's collapse).

The Jedi mind trick is a Kenobi specialty?

Since Rey mind tricked a stormtrooper at the star killer base, people say that she is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi, because apparently mind tricking was his specialty.........but is this true? We indeed saw Obi-Wan succeeding in getting him and Luke passed the squad of stormtroopers in "A New Hope", but it was something that any Jedi could pull off. Obi-Wan even said that "the Force has a big influence on the weak minded", admitting that what he had done wasn't very impressive for a Jedi. He just tricked some weak minded stormtroopers after all. Then in the prequels we see Obi-Wan mind tricking a drug dealer that is trying to sell death sticks to a Jedi in a club, but we can obviously assume that this guy was weak minded too. 

Besides, there are other Jedis that successfully used mind tricks. Qui-Gon Jinn had no problem in mind tricking Boss Nass before failing on Watto. Luke mind tricked Bib Fortuna to get an audience with Jabba and when he tried to use it on Jabba, he failed. And how Luke learned to mind trick anyway? Was it with Master Yoda's training on Dagobah? Or did he see Obi-Wan doing it on that one time in Tatooine and pretty much self taught him how to do that at some point? If that's the case, we can definitely conclude that any Jedi can use it successfully on the weak minded ones.

So, to be considered Obi-Wan's specialty, we should have seen him using it in a truly impressive situation, with someone that's strong minded.........but that isn't the case.

Rey's Force Vision

Some people defend that Rey is blood related to Obi-Wan because the latter told her "these are your first steps" during her force vision in The Force Awakens. However, this is the weakest argument we have seen so far........after all, do they really need a family bond to communicate this way with each other? Let's not forget that Obi-Wan could communicate with Luke without being blood related to him.

But why the producers chose Obi-Wan to communicate with Rey? Well, they probably wanted to save Anakin's Force Ghost to the next movie and they ended up choosing Obi-Wan over Master Yoda because the former was the one that appeared the most to talk with Luke in the original trilogy.

And an interesting ideia to think about is that the Force Ghosts exist in a place where there is no future, present and past. So, it's possible that Obi-Wan already knows about Rey and her destiny and wants to guide her down her path. Therefore, it's totally possible that he, with no blood relation to Rey, had been watching her, just waiting for the right moment to speak with her.     

If Rey is a Kenobi, why then is she so strong with the Force?

Another thing to keep in mind is that Obi-Wan seems to be an average Jedi, not a particularly powerful one. Obi-Wan even said that Anakin had become a far greater Jedi than he could ever hope to be. And if a Kenobi isn't near the level of a Skywalker, why would Rey be so powerful? So powerful that she could even defeat Kylo Ren (who is a Skywalker and was trained by Luke and Snoke), even though she apparently didn't have any training.

That's it guys, as you have probably noticed, I don't think the Rey Kenobi Theory is going to be true. I think that there are other theories that fit the story a lot better, such as The Reincarnation Theory and The Dark Side Creation Theory. Click the links to check them out!

Kenobi Kisses,


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