Friday, August 25, 2017

What's up with the Stark siblings?! - GOT

What's up with the stark siblings? I mean, the Winterfell scenes have been the most confusing ones lately. Why is Arya behaving in such a strange way? Is Sansa suspecting of Littlefinger's plan? And will Brandon play an important role in the war against the White Walkers? Let's discuss about each one of those characters:

1- What's happening to Arya?

I am aware that, after everything Arya had been through, it's comprehensible that she would become a more insensitive person.........but the series made clear to us that she didn't turn into a complete cold blood psychopath: 

- she abandoned her plans of killing Cersei after she found out her family took their home back from the Boltons;

- she was heart broken when her direwolf Nymeria refused to go back with her to Winterfell;

- she was happy to see Sansa again and their meeting was very cute.

So, I just can't understand why Arya had cute moments like those, but then started behaving so awkwardly in the following episodes..........

I do hope she is only pretending to behave like that in order to deceive Littlefinger. Maybe she has already found out about his plans and she is only pretending to act like a freak psychopath so as to make him believe that his plan is working.

I mean, Arya became such a kick-ass, I can't believe she just fell into Littlefinger's trap so easily.........besides, since she was following Littlefinger everywhere, it's possible that she secretly listened to Littlefinger talking to Sansa about using Brienne to "take care" of Arya......

So, I do believe Arya has already figured out everything and is only preparing a trap for Littlefinger...........either that or she actually became a stupid freak talking nonsense. 

2- Is Sansa suspecting that Littlefinger is trying to put Arya against her?

Sansa is no longer that stupid child from the beginning of the series. She is much smarter now and she doesn't trust Littlefinger at, isn't it possible that she is already suspecting that he is the one that is turning Arya against her? I mean, when Littlefinger talked about using Brienne to "take care of" Arya, I am pretty sure that Sansa realized that something was wrong. 

It's possible that she sent Brienne away when the opportunity came (the invitation to go to King's Landing) because she was already suspecting of Littlefinger's plan: use Brienne to get in the middle of the sisters' disagreement and end up in a huge fight with Arya, which would propably get Brienne killed (Littlefinger and Sansa even saw Arya defeating Brienne when they were training), and the Lady of Winterfell would lose her protector and her rivalry with her sister would increase a lot more.........which would make Sansa much more vulnerable to Littlefinger........  

So, yeah. I believe that not only Arya, but also Sansa are aware (or at least suspecting) of Littlefinger's plan........maybe the two sisters are only pretending to fight in order to deceive him? It's possible, but I believe that each of them are working "alone" in this, each one is manipulating the guy in their own manner.........but we never know, right?! Let's wait to see what the Stark sisters are planning to get out of this situation.

3- How will Brandon be helpful in the near future?

Bran is so powerful, but yet he hardly appears.........why doesn't he tell Sansa and Arya about Littlefinger's plan? Maybe he has secretely told his sisters about everything and the two of them are only pretending that they don't know about it? Or maybe Bran hasn't told anything to them because he knows that they will be able to get out of this situation alone?    

Anyway, Bran hasn't appeared much in the past episodes.......but will he play an important role in the near future? Maybe in the war between the living and the dead? Isn't it possible that he will use his warg powers to try to control an important creature who is going to be at the enemy's side? An important creature such as the Ice Dragon created by the Night King? 

There are lots of theories concerning whether Bran will ever warg a dragon, mostly because of the dialogue between Bran and the former Three Eyed Raven:

- Will I walk again?  (Brandon)

- No, you will never walk again, but you will fly. (Three eyed Raven)

Lots of people interpreted this line ("you will fly") as if it was indicating that Bran would warg a dragon, but other people disagreed with that for several reasons:

- they believed that there wouldn't be a reason why Bran would need to warg one, since they believed that the three dragons would be mounted by Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion (because of  the theory that the latter is a Targaryen);

- they say that it's too difficult to warg a dragon, since they are magical and intelligent creatures;

- they defend that the line "you will fly" is only metaphorical and refers to the fact that Bran will be very powerful: warg powers, time traveling powers and other Three-Eyed Raven powers.

Well, except for the first item (which we already know to be wrong), I kind of agree with the other two, but that doesn't mean that the "warg dragon power" theory isn't possible. I mean, the "you will fly" line probably refers to Bran's powers in general, but it doesn't exclude the possibility that he will be able to warg an powerful animal such as a dragon. 

I know that it's indeed difficult to warg an intelligent and magical creature like a dragon, but it's not impossible. And we can't forget that Bran has been enhancing his warg powers during these past years (he became able to even warg Hodor, which wasn't an easy task, even with the giant's mental problem), so I believe that he is capable of warging a dragon.......

Yeah, I am aware that the Ice Dragon will be controlled by the Night King, which will be even more difficult for Bran to warg it, but I still believe it will be possible.........I believe that Bran will be able to control the dragon for a few moments, until the Night King takes back the control of the creature.......

I do believe there will be a "mental fight" between Bran and the Night King, after all, both of them seem to have some powers in common, like greensight (we saw that the Night King could notice Bran's presence and touch him during his vision and could also notice him when he was warging the ravens to spy on the dead army).........

Anyway, if that actually happens, Bran will be a huge threat for the army of the dead.  

That's it guys, I do hope you liked the post. And what do you think is going on with the Stark siblings?! Leave in the comments below =)

Stark Kisses,


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